Marrying Santana Lopez

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I'm running out of breath because of exhaustion. I seriously hate my Grandma right now for making me run, but I just freakin' love her so much that I really can't hate her.

I knock on the door. I think they were 10 minutes ahead of me. I scrunch my nose in annoyance.

"It's open." said the voice which I didn't recognized. It might be one of Brittany's sisters.

I open the door.

And there I saw Grandma smiling widely, hands on her lap, comfortably sitting on their couch.

Brittany's mother is sitting opposite Grandma, with a serious look on her face.

Brittany's sisters are comfortably sitting on their couch at the opposite sides of their mom. While Brittany is sitting at the only chair in the middle end. Her hands fidgeting nervously on her lap.

I frowned. "Grandma." I called.

Grandma looks at me and she motioned me to sit down beside her.

I followed.


It seems that I'm exaggerating or anything but it's been like 7 minutes of silence. Brittany's mom looks at me in a frightening manner like she is about to swallow me whole. I gulped.

I avoided her eyes and I found myself staring at Brittany. She looked so cute with that pout on her lips like she was about to cry, confused of what's going on or better yet, might be frightened too by her mom.

Then I looked at Brittany's sisters. They were both looking at me, no erase that, they were glaring at me. I swallowed an imaginary lump in my throat. They were so intimidating.

Then something snapped!

We were all shocked by the sudden noise.

"Ouch mom!" Brittany's sister sitting on the left side whined, rubbing her hand. "Why did you hit my hand?"

"Could you just move your hand a little bit? Now you just distracted me on what I was about to say!" Brittany's mom yelled then she looked at me. I avoided her eyes.

"You're exaggerating mom." Brittany's sister whines while rubbing her hand.

"Okay. We'll start. You're granddaughter Santana---?"

"Lopez. Santana Lopez." Grandma filled for her. I rolled my eyes.

"Santana Lopez just made my innocent daughter Brittany pregnant. She took my youngest daughter's virginity and she ruined my daughter by forcing herself on her."

My eyes widen in shock. I didn't force myself on her daughter.

Before I'm about to speak, Brittany said, "Mom! She didn't force herself on me. Don't exaggerate." she whined, her cheeks reddened in so much embarrassment.

Brittany's mom hushed her in silence.

"I didn't force myself on her. It was an accident!" I defended myself.

Grandma hit me on my thigh. And then with a wide smile she said, "Yeah you're right. It was Santana's fault. We're very sorry." then she gave a hearty laugh again, "We're really sorry."

Brittany's mother gave a fake laugh. "This is the first time I see someone apologize or say sorry with such insincerity."

Grandma laughed. "Insincere?" then she laughed again. Why is she acting like this? I looked at her in confusion.

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