She Confuses Me Like Really Confuses ME

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I wrap her body with my jacket and I put my arms around her.

In an instant, our eyes meet.

Piercing blue eyes met mine even with those eyeglasses.

Those eyes...

I was mesmerized.

I need to take my eyes off hers.

I lowered my eyes and now I'm staring at her lips.

God, those lips...

I want to kiss those lips again.

Closing my eyes, I lean into her, I parted my lips.

Our lips inches away from each other.

So close. I want to... just a little more...

"Uhm... We really need to go. It's really cold."

I open my eyes.

What did just happened?

Oh shit! I tried to kiss Brittany!

And she pulled away!

Goddamnit! I felt my cheeks reddened.

That was embarrassing!

"Santana, what are you still doing there? Let's go." she said and then smiled.

"Yeah. Let's go." I said awkwardly.

Oh god, I'm still embarrassed.

I tried to kiss Brittany! What's the matter with me?

I have a girlfriend!

"Oh, Baby Tan, you are so cute!" she said in a sweet voice as we walked. She cuddled Baby Tan in her arms and suddenly, I felt jealous of the attention she is giving to the dog. Hey, why would I feel jealous? Brittany and I are nothing. I made it crystal clear to her last night. But how come I'm feeling like this? Oh god Santana, erase that! You can't feel like this with Brittany. You have Quinn and you have so much explaining to her. You shouldn't give a damn if Brittany pulled away before your lips touched. You shouldn't give a damn if she kissed and cuddled Baby Tan instead of you. You shouldn't okay? You shouldn't!

"What are you thinking?" she asked suddenly.


"What are you thinking? Seems like you were in a deep thought a moment ago?" she asked again with that soft voice of hers.

"Nothing!" I said awkwardly.

"Mmm. Okay. Are you cold?" she motioned to remove her jacket off hers but I stop her.

"A little. But I'm fine. Don't remove that. I'm fine." I firmly said.

She nod her head.

Next thing I knew, we walked together side by side, my arms wrap around her shoulders.

"Let's see if you dare to run off again!" I yelled to Baby Tan as I put her on the floor inside my room.

Baby Tan ran away from me and run towards Brittany instead.

"Baby Tan, come over here!" I yell again and in an instant I scoop her in my arms. "You are such a bad dog now!" I put leash on the dog's neck.

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