I'm Different Now

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"Would you stop following me? I can go home by myself." I said as I continue walking. I could hear Santana still following me behind and I really want her to go. I can't handle seeing her.

"I want to make sure you go home safe." she said as she moves at my side. Her arms brush my own, and I shiver. I stop and look at her, crossing my arms in the process.

"I'm okay now. Could you just please leave me alone?" I raise my eyebrow at her giving her an eye glare.

"You are different now." she said, her voice very low.

"Yes. you're right." I said while I stare directly at her.

She takes a deep breath and I really want to ask what was that for? Is she happy that I'm not the usual Brittany anymore? Does she likes my new image? Does she feels regret seeing me like this, full of confidence? Or was she glad that I didn't end up like a mess, to wash away the guilt she felt?

"I'm glad you're fine, Britt. Really glad." she said as she raise her hand probably to cup my face but I move away.

"I'm going home." I finally said as I hail a cab.

The cab stop in front of me and I immediately get inside. Before I could close the door, Santana immediately hops in that made me glare at her, once again. "What are you doing?"

"I told you I want to make sure you're safe." she said softly.

I cross my arms and look away. Persistent Santana is really getting on my nerves right now.

I told the cab driver to take me into my place. I really want to get out of this cab just so I could avoid her.

We weren't on speaking terms and I'm so glad she didn't made a move to talk to me. She just silently sits beside me and sometimes I can feel her looking at my direction which by the way, making my cheeks flushed. Yup, she still had that effect on me. Damn Santana.

The car stop at my place and before I could open my wallet, Santana already paid the cab driver.

"I told you, I have money!" I said, my voice dangerously low.

Santana just shrug her shoulders and give me a smile.

I ignore her as I step out of the cab. As I continue walking towards my apartment, I can hear her footsteps behind me.

"You can leave now." I said, my voice firm.

I can still hear her footsteps so I turn to face her. "Stop following me." I tell her.

"I want to make sure you're safe." she said.

"I am safe! Leave now." I said, I'm really getting impatient now.

"Go in first." she orders.

I cross my arms at her. She can't command me anymore.

She smiles. Like really smiles at me with that oh-so-great dimples and said, "If you don't want to go in, I'll go in first."

"Santana!" I yell. Oh shit! She can't go inside my apartment!

I follow her towards the elevator. "Which floor?"

I didn't answer. Instead, I press the 30th floor button.

"You live on the 30th floor?" Santana asks.

"Isn't it obvious?" I answer back at her.

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