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I wake up at the sound of my alarm clock constantly ringing on the bedside table. I whimper softly and extends my arm on the other side of the bed, on Brittany's side. But I was met by emptiness of the space there. I furrow my eyebrows and open my eyes, Brittany isn't there. I move softly and lay my back on the mattress. My eyes are searching for the blonde and I couldn't find her.

My heart races as I stand up and left the room to look for her. She didn't leave me, did she? I need to explain my side of the story. She can't just leave me right? She's my wife.

"Santana!" my grandmother yells when I came in the kitchen, "Can you at least make yourself decent before going out of your room?"

I stop on my tracks, as I look at myself. Right, I forgot that I'm wearing my usual nighties which barely covers my body, and I forgot to wear my silk robe in going out of my room. And I almost forgot I have a morning erection so... damn! Grandma handed me a kitchen towel to cover 'it'.

I was so embarrassed.

Good thing, no one in the house sees me like this. We have numerous number of helpers and I just can't walk half-naked in front of them.

"Uh... Grandma, have you seen Britt?" I said, lowering my voice down.

My Grandma smiles knowingly, "She went outside, she said she need some fresh air. She'll be coming back soon, I think."

I was so relieved. "Okay. I just thought that..." I trailed off.

"You can't take your eyes off your pretty wife, aren't you Santana?" Grandma teases.

I smile and walk upstairs towards my room.

"Good morning." I greet as soon as I see Brittany sitting in the dining room. I was so relieved to see her there. I nearly thought she left me.

She gives me a warm smile. "Good morning." she said.

"Where did you go? Why didn't you wake me up early? So I can be your company." I said as I lean towards her to give her a peck on her lips but she moves sideways so my lips lands on her cheek instead.

I pout at her obvious gesture to avoid me.

But she didn't look at me so she didn't see my adorable pout.

She eats in silence and I'm dying to have a conversation with her. Good thing, Grandma isn't here. So I have my chance.

"Britt... about yesterday... uhm..." I starts.

"It's okay Santana. You don't need to explain." she said as she gives me that smile again.

But I don't take any of it, "I want to explain Britt, please let me explain?"

She takes a deep breath and nod her head as she continues to eat.

"So Quinn, she uhm... she had an accident on her way to my birthday last month. And she lost the part, the one she dreamt of." I said and look at her reaction while doing so. She just continues to eat her breakfast and nod her head so I continue, "I haven't tell her... about us..." I watch her reaction for the nth time. "It's just that she's torn and I can't brought myself to tell her yet." then I put my hand above her hand on the table. "But I'm going to tell her soon, I'm just waiting for the right time."

Brittany nods her head and gives me a smile. Ugh, that smile again that shows that she wasn't affected anyhow. Isn't she feeling jealous or something? I mean, I'm not making her jealous on purpose but a little jealousy from her will make my heart flutter.

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