Two Years After

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The sound of the plane taking off makes my heart skip a beat. For the past 2 years, I always have this feeling of nausea whenever I remember her leaving.

She left.

She left me and goes somewhere which I still don't know where. Her family refused to tell me where she went. I did everything in my power to look for her but there's no luck.

"Would you like some coffee?"

I glance at the stewardess who spoke beside me, offering me a cup of coffee. I shake my head, "No thanks." I replied.

Once again, I stare at the window and like a million times in my head, my mind drifted again to the sad memories I had with Brittany two years ago.

I captured her hand with my own. She's still fast asleep. Dr. Sue said she's going to be fine. She was saved, thank god! I can't imagine my life without her. I just can't.

I wiped the tears that's slowly starting to fall down. Again.

My hand traveled again on her face, and for multiple times, I caressed her face with the back of my hand. Her skin feels so smooth. She really is beautiful.

The door opened but my eyes never left Brittany's sleeping form.

"You should take a rest, Santana. I think you're exhausted." Ashley Pierce said.

I looked at her, "I'm okay. I want to be here when she wakes up."

"But I think you need to change your clothes, you're full of blood." she commented.

I looked at myself and I noticed the blood stains on my dress. "I don't want to go." I honestly said.

"I'll be right here to take care of her." she said.

I nod my head. "I'll be coming back soon Britt." I said then kissed Brittany's forehead. My lips lingered for a while there with tears streaming down my cheeks AGAIN. I left the hospital room.

That was the biggest regret of my life. Leaving. Because that was the last time I've seen her. The very last time.

After an hour, I came back to see her and I immediately noticed Serena outside the room crying her heart out. My heart beats erratically. I walked fast and approached her.

"Is Brittany alright? Why are you crying? Is she alright??" I asked her, my voice loud.

But then I heard her scream.

"Mom! Don't let her come in! I don't want to see her! She killed my baby!" she said in a loud voice that I heard clearly. "My baby! My baby! She killed my baby!" she yelled in a panic voice that made my tears fall down endlessly. "My baby is gone! My baby is gone!" she continued screaming and crying.

She didn't want to see me. She didn't want to see me. And I felt like my heart was ripped out of my chest.

Ashley consoled her with equal intensity, "Don't be afraid. I won't let her come in. Mommy is here. I won't let her come in."

"My baby! My baby! I want my baby!" Brittany yelled frantically.

"Leave!" Serena said as she pushed me. "Leave now! Brittany doesn't want to see you!"

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