My Birthday Surprise

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I wonder what Emily's surprise for Brittany? I cross my arms in front of my chest as I listen to Brittany's endless question about what is Emily's surprise for her. She is sitting in the middle between Emily and I.

Emily insisted that we used her car, I don't know why we need to use this car, my black limousine is within Brittany's disposal throughout the day but my cousin insisted to use her car.

I felt that I'm like the third person in this trip. I really don't want to go with them but if I won't go, Brittany will be alone with Emily and I might explode because of jealousy. Jealousy? Am I really jealous? I know that I don't have the right to become jealous. I was the one who stood up Brittany after all but I didn't expect that she would spend her day with my cousin when I was gone.

Maybe I'm not really jealous, maybe I'm just feeling like this because Quinn stood me up again. I really thought that Quinn was the one inside the chicken costume, I really thought that she was there but after I received the phone call from Sugar telling me that she checked all the passengers of the said flight and Quinn wasn't one of them, my whole world crashed down.

My anger rose for Quinn, and my regret of not being with Brittany rose up, too. Now I knew the feeling of being stood up, it hurts like hell. The embarrassment I felt was unbearable, the hurt I felt was unbearable too.

But if I were to be honest, seeing Brittany in that cute chicken costume made my day. God, she's so kind. She's the nicest selfless person I met in my entire life. I feel like a bad person for treating her like that.

"Come on Em... Tell me what's the surprise? I'm dying here." Brittany whines again.

Emily just laugh and pinch her cheeks. Yeah, she fucking pinch Brittany's cheeks. I should be the one doing that, not her. Brittany is my wife!

"You just wait and see." Emily said.

Brittany crosses her arms and turn to face me with a pout.

God, she's so cute doing that.

"We're here." Emily said.

I look around. We're in a fucking first-class hotel!

What are we doing here? Is she planning on taking Brittany in a hotel if I didn't come along?

Emily step out of the car, followed by Brittany.

I stay in the car for a while, I need to text Sugar. So I type, 'Sugar, change of plan. The one I told you before that we're preparing for tomorrow? Make it tonight. ASAP. Text me when it's ready.'

I smirk as I get out of the car.


"What are we doing here?" I ask Emily when we are inside the elevator directing to the penthouse of the hotel.

Emily smiles at me and takes my hand, "It's a surprise, Britt-Britt."

I freeze when Emily took my hand, at the corner of my eyes, I see Santana staring directly at our hands. For some reason, I feel guilty holding another woman's hand in front of Santana.

I look at her and she looks at me. I smile at her, and I take her hand with mine using my other free hand.

She looks at me and smile at the simple gesture I did.

I know she's super sad right now coz Quinn didn't came for her birthday.

And honestly, I don't want her to be sad.

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