Truth Comes Out

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"Mom! Don't let her come in! I don't want to see her! She killed my baby!" she said in a loud voice that I heard clearly. "My baby! My baby! She killed my baby!" she yelled in a panic voice that made my tears fall down endlessly. "My baby is gone! My baby is gone!" she continued screaming and crying.

I know I shouldn't be driving with my current state but I can't just let go what I've heard. I can't even see the road because my tears are falling uncontrollably. I grip the steering wheel. Fuck! I can't forgive her! I gritted my teeth and bit my bottom lip trying to control myself from crying endlessly.

"Of course you don't care what happened to my baby! Why would you care? What do you mean that you originally wanted me to stay? Would you even say you love me back then? Would you even had the guts?"

"What have I done that has made you so mad at me? From the time I started to have feelings for you, I did my best to be good to you."

"Is asking me to abort my child also for my own good?"

"I had no choice. I could only choose between the two of you. You also know that the car accident..."

"Don't drag the car accident into this! Even if there wasn't a car accident, you don't want the baby either!"

Why am I so fucking stupid not to understand what she was trying to say! She hated me for two years because of that!

I park the car at the side of the road, I can't even fucking drive! I close my eyes and lean back for a moment. Images of Brittany on the hospital stretcher 2 years ago flashes on my mind. I can't even... I can't...

Quinn opens the door, "Santana?"

"Why!" I shout at her. She walk backwards. "Why did you bring an abortion agreement to Brittany?!"

Quinn didn't say anything, her tears start to fall. I don't even care!

I step inside her apartment, "Everything that you said to Brittany today has all been recorded!" I continue. "Have you ever thought about that she is innocent?! My baby was also innocent!

She close the door then turn to face me, her eyes are filled with tears. "Then have you ever thought that I'm also innocent?" she softly asks. "You told me you will love me for the rest of your life? But then you had a change of heart? How am I supposed to live with that?"

"You told me you were okay with it! You told me you accepted it wholeheartedly!"

"Well, I can't! I love you Santana---"

I shake my head. "My baby was innocent! Brittany was pregnant! No matter what I had done wrong, you still shouldn't have given her an abortion agreement!" My fist were shaking uncontrollably as I said those lines. I am beyond angry.

She lowers her head and softly said, "I really didn't mean to... I knew you cared about the child. I knew grandma cared about the child. I just wanted Brittany to leave on her own..." then she looks at me, tears welled in her eyes. "I didn't know that she would have a car accident for the sake of protecting her child... I'm so sorry..."

I sit on the couch in front of her. I exhaled a deep breath. I feel exhausted.

None of us wanted the accident to happened.

"I understand your reason." I finally said. "But I can't find a way to forgive you, Quinn." I shake my head. "Because of that, I've lost my first born son forever."

"If I knew that would happened, I wouldn't have done it. I was selfish." She lowers her head again and cried silently.

Then she continues, meeting my gaze. "If I came back soon enough, you wouldn't have fallen for Brittany, right?"

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