Is this real? Am I really?

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"Uhmm... Santana..." I whispered softly.

She stop walking and turned to face me. "Yeah?" she asked.

"Sorry if I bother you last night... Guess I drank too much. I'm sorry." I lowered my head.

She smiled at me, "It's okay. You helped me out last night and I just can't let you sleep on the deck anyway."

I felt my cheeks reddened. She made me sleep in her room last night without me knowing it coz I'm too drunk. So this morning when I woke up, I saw her sleeping peacefully on the couch that made me feel guilty for being such a bother to her.

Then I felt her fingers cupped my chin, forcing me to look at her. Our eyes met and slowly, she removed my eyeglasses. "You should stop wearing this glasses. You look more pretty without them." she said that made my heart jumped.

I stop her from removing my glasses. Our fingers brushed against each other.

It's very hard to look at her straight into her eyes without them. It's like she could see directly into my soul with those expressive brown eyes.

She let go of my eyeglasses and shrugged.

I start to walk again.

She followed right behind me.

Then I turned to face her, "There is something I want to ask from you if it's okay?"

"What is it?" she asked.

"About them... uhm Blaire and Faye... I don't know why they did that but please... can you forgive them? They are nice people." I asked staring directly at her.

She smiled. "Okay. But tell them to stop messing with my life or I may not be forgiving next time."

I smiled widely, "Thanks! I will tell them! Thank you Santana." I said then lowered my head. I don't know why am I feeling like this. I blame her smile, coz she really looks even more pretty when smiling.


"So..." she began, "About what happened yesterday... you should forget about it..." she said softly.

"Oh! Of course! It should be forgotten anyway! What happened yesterday was an accident and it was all mistake. I forgot about it already. So you don't need to think about it too." I blabbered then I stopped. I smiled at her. "I mean, I don't want to cause you any much more trouble."

She looked at me deeply, I saw a flashed of disappointment in her eyes but maybe I was just imagining things. She smiled at me, "Okay then. I'm leaving." she said.

"Okay. Bye. Bye." I said cheerfully.

She walked away slowly.

But then I remembered something. I called her. "Santana!"

She turned to face me.

I walked towards her and showed her the ring. I removed it from my finger and handed it to her. "I almost forgot. Uhmmm. I hope that this ring would find its owner soon."

"Thank you." she said. "I hope you find your princess too."

"Yeah. I hope so too." I smiled.

Then it was my turn to walked away from her.


I turned around. "Yeah?"

Sticky Note Girl (Brittana Glee Fic)Where stories live. Discover now