My Birthday Wish

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"What? Your birthday lands on the same date?!" Grandma exclaims, obviously excitement run through her veins at the thought. "My god! I can't believe there's such an amazing coincidence!" then she grins to both of us, "You see, it's really fate that you two are married to each other!"

I suddenly blush at what Grandma had just said. My eyes shifts to Santana and I notice she was blushing too, then as fast as our eyes found each other a second ago, the fastest our eyes avoids each other now. Yeah, that awkward.

Grandma continues, "Since this is Brittany's first birthday with the Lopez family, you should both spend your birthdays together." she said suggestively, wriggling her eyebrows. "And have a simple and romantic dinner perhaps?"

"All right." Santana suddenly speak, "I'll spend my birthday with Brittany tomorrow."

I turn to her, and I can't hide the excitement of my voice, "Really?" I smile widely. I get to spend my birthday with Santana? That would be awesome! I walk towards her coz she's sitting at the opposite couch, I sit beside her then lean into her then I whisper, "Are we really going to spend our birthdays together?"

She smiles at me, "I'm serious." she said that made my heart jump. "Are you happy?" she asked.

I smile widely, "Yeah. I'm happy!" I answered. "Ever since I was little, it's the first time that someone is celebrating my birthday with me. I'm so much happy!"

"Since you two will spend the day together, you should dress pretty well Brittany. I'll just go change and we'll go to the mall together to buy you some pretty nice dress." she said then leaves.

I turn to look at Santana again and give her a warm smile, "Thank you." I said.

Her phone rings and she looks at the caller.

Her expression becomes serious as she looks at her phone, "I'll just take this call." she said then walks away.

I nod my head.

Once Santana left, I look at the stuff we bought for the baby then I smile. "Hmmm... maybe I should buy something for Santana as a present for her birthday."

I smile at the thought.

I have the perfect gift for her.

I hope she likes it.


I went outside to answer the phone call...

Call from Quinn...


"Happy birthday honey!" she exclaimed.

I snorted. "I thought you forgot."

"Why do you sound so sad hon?" she said in that low bedroom voice of hers.

"When I think how you're not going to be here tomorrow, how can I not be sad?" I said in a low voice, afraid that someone might hear me, although I had nothing to worry about right?

"Someone is still mad at me." she said with the teasing voice. "If she knew that I have already booked a table at Ritz for her to celebrate her birthday tomorrow night, what would her reaction be?"

I take a deep breath, "Stop joking around okay? It's not funny." I said.

"Why are you so grumpy right now?" she said, hurt laced in her voice.

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