Desdemona Latrovia

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"She is quite a lovely girl," my mother's arms are folded onto her lap, her lips are pursed. Dessy and I cling onto each other afraid that if we let go my parents will tear us apart. It's late October of 1779 and we're at dinner at La Pöjet.
"Aren't they, Apollo?" My mother mentions Apollo who looks more annoyed than usual.

"Whatever," he gets up from the table and leaves. My mother and I turn to Father who is staring intently at the wall. Desdemona lets go of my arm and runs to Apollo's rescue. Again. It's happened many times before, but I've never really cared because she's mine. I sigh and take the seat across from Apollo's. The other families look at us with disdain and sympathy.

"Son, watch yourself." My mother says, her lips turning upward which confuses me even more. I didn't know what to watch myself for. As we wait for Apollo and Dessy to come back, I pick at my nails. I feel ready to marry Desdemona, she's my better half and I want to be with her as long as she lives. I never felt the way I feel about Dessy. The Moon Goddess promises all wolves have a mate but what if my mate is human.

After a couple of minutes, Dessy and Apollo come back and he looks happier. I watch their faces flirty and red, and their arms graze each other. My suspicions continue to grow, but I suppress them once Dessy kisses me softly as always. Her red dress is messier than before and her blonde curls that are always pinned up on the top of her head are hanging loosely on her thin shoulders. We eat most of dinner in silence with only Dessy's giggles being heard once in a while. All I want to do is go home and have Dessy in my arms once again.

"I believe it's time for all of us to head out. Shall we?" My Father gets up and holds his hand out for my mother who raises from her seat and they head outside of the restaurant and towards one of the three carriages outside. Apollo and I rise and both of our hands reach for Dessy, I suck in a breathe to keep from telling him to fuck off.

Our carriages are both waiting across the street, my brother still stares intensely at Dessy. Foolishly, I let it slide and leave it be. The air is cool once I step out of the restaurant with Dessy in arm. There is a stool waiting on our white carriage adorned with flowers, Dessy steps onto the stool and I hold her slender hand tightly too keep her from falling. She raises her dress to take a seat to the right and I take a seat on the left.

Brother. I think that was the most awkward dinner we've ever had with mom and dad.

Well fuck mom. She's hardly around anyway.

Mom isn't that bad.

I wave off the subject of our mother before we could get deeper into it. That wasn't even my mother, it was a woman she controlled so Dessy could think that we are the perfect family. My father didn't want the forced separation to be announced through a 'petty' woman. He hated her because she brings out my weaker side. The carriage is going faster than usual as we speed by the Hamilton's resort and the various homes with people I never bothered knowing.

Dessy watches the road like it's the Mona Lisa, that's what I love. How she can watch an irrelevant, invaluable object like the road and become fascinated by it. The carriage starts to slow down and I soon realize we've arrived at our neighborhood. The others of our pack are inside tonight because it's a full moon. We never leave our homes because it's too dangerous. Some of us are lucky enough to not turn. Despite my brother and I being hybrids, our Father makes us stay in like everyone else to make it fair for the other wolves.

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