Part of Me

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Valentina's weight gets heavier and heavier and I didn't know why until I hear her soft snores and the slow rise and fall of her chest. The trip to her house isn't long. It's a miracle she even slept so quickly, it only took me 30 seconds to get from here to her house. Maybe. I didn't want to open her door because she's the daughter of a Beta who probably knows who I am and I have no intention of explaining why his child is on my back.

I circle the house and find a window cracked open, I look inside and see the walls are a dark red with girl-like furniture. I really hate doing nice things for people, if she wasn't crying I would've left her there to go home by herself and maybe have enough time to force myself to sleep with the Eastern Coast Princess. As the saying goes, one for the road.

I open the window and slip Valentina in and I go in. I nearly step on her foot trying to get in and I lift her again and take her to the circular bed where I can safely assume it's hers. I pull off her sneakers and then her shirt.

I take a deep breathe to calm my excited wolf and keeping myself from lying next to her and holding her like I'm supposed to. I don't care about Valentina, she'll find love from someone else. After taking her dirty clothes somewhere that she could find them I slip out the window, close the window but wide enough for her to get cool air and speed home.

It's colder in the First Mountains where the family castle still stands as it has for centuries. I run towards the secret entrance that no one knew about except for Apollo who probably forgot over the decades of his continuous disappearances. He should really consider a career as a magician.

"Hello, brother." A voice echoes in the barely lit corridor. Speak of the devil. I close the door and walk towards the stairs that led to my room and soon after footsteps come from behind me. What could Apollo possibly want, he reminds me of a toddler unwilling to share and never able to leave other people's things alone.

No one knows that Valentina is pregnant except for my father and I and possibly my mother who probably told my father. My mother has that power where she can know when a woman is pregnant at the moment of conception so Valentina won't know yet. I know when she does she'll try and hide it from me and I intend to keep her from knowing that I knew first.

"You're thinking about her aren't you?" Apollo chuckles.

"Not funny, and I'm not." I growl at him walking faster.

"You don't have to run. You've always known I'm faster." Apollo taunts patting me on the back. I didn't even notice him anywhere next to me. His hair is longer now with a knot on top.

"You certainly haven't changed little brother, except this girl knot you have here." I taunt back with a smirk at my comment. Apollo hesitates and stops giving me time to get into my room and lock the door that led to the secret corridor before he came. I cover back the tapestry that hides the door and sit on my bed. I can still hear Apollo's footsteps echoing in the corridor and eventually disappear. I pull off my timberland boots and leather jacket, throwing them into a corner. The maids will be pissed tomorrow when they see the mess I'm going to make, but it didn't matter it's their job to clean. Unfortunately, it isn't part of their job description to clean up my life.

I look at the clock; midnight. It's extremely early and sleep isn't even necessary. I step out of my room and start towards the end of the castle where the largest window of the Western Turf stood. I looked at the world through this window almost every single night.

"I knew you'd be here," A soft voice comes from my left. It's the Eastern Princess wearing a baby blue night gown, her hair curls down to her back.

Don't do it. Is what my Wolf whispers, Valentina's scent nauseates me and forces me to sit one the large window sill. I nod at her and give her a smug look. She comes close enough and places her hand on my leg. I'm in no mood at all to sleep with her, but I knew I'd cause tension between the East and West turfs if I disappointed her Highness.

"Are you okay... You look unwell?" She tilts her head the way she does when she's concerned.
"No I'm fine. Uh..." Fuck. I can't believe I forgot her name. It's so embarrassing since she's been with us for the past few months. After a couple of minutes of awkward silence I cough and pretend nothing happened.

"It's Haley, and it's okay that you forgot my name." She gives me a dimpled smile and I couldn't help but laugh. Haley's father sent her down here for the purposes of teaching her what being a leader is like and possibly uniting the West and East by getting the two of us married. But just as she set foot of the plane I knew she wasn't my mate. No one can ever be Valentina and no one could ever be Haley's mate but it never ruined our sexual relationship. Her father was disappointed that we didn't share the bond, but that's werelife and it happens. It's a good thing Father knows who my mate was or he would've been angry too.

"Son, times for the beheadings." My father's voice booms from farther across the hallway. At midnight he wanted to do the beheadings, only my father who's probably hungry for blood. Im grateful to be a hybrid so I can control the bloodthirsty vampire inside me. When I get up, Haley stops me with her arm.

"Come to my room after this...event, kay?" I nod at her and speed towards the beheading room before my father. The men were lined and chained against the wall, it smelled like a morgue and no one is dead yet. Hot, and sweaty I grow impatient of my father just walking and staring at the hopeless men.

"Father can we get over this, I have somewhere to go." I groan at him. I could leave right now, but I never miss beheadings.
"I thought you loved these things. That's why I brought you. Plus I want them all to die a painful death. And you my son are the only one that can help me with that." His voice grows so the prisoners could all tremble. My mother can probably hear him from her underground prison. I know exactly what he's talking about, as a hybrid my bite can kill vampires and werewolves.

"Before I end them, who are they."

"They're the clan that tried to take Valentina. The leader wants your baby's power." At Valentina's name my heart leaps and when baby escapes my Father's lips, anger bites at me. I can feel my fangs growing and my body changing.
"Son, control yourself." My father orders.

"Shut up father and let me do me." I growled and speed towards each man biting them in the neck. Each yelp of pain makes me want to bite more. My father grabs my collar and I continue, my shirt ripping off. I take one look at the leader and rage blooms inside of me. I snap his neck and slam his limp body into the wall.
Alec stop.
Valentina's soft, tired voice stops me and I drop the leader's body looking around frantically for her. My wolf is desperate for her and to make sure she and my pup is alright.
"I'm right here." I can hear her tiny voice and all my rage shrinks into quiet coldness. I take a deep breathe and stop moving, the only thing I can hear is the painful hisses of the bitten wolves.

"Please. Stop, Alec." Valentina's chestnut hair shimmers in the dark as her figure slowly approaches. My fangs graze my lips.
"How'd you get here?"
"I sensed you about ten minutes after I fell asleep. Then I followed your scent here." She winces when she touches her arm while talking.
"Your eyes are yellow. Your fangs,"she stops and touches my lips,"You've gotta calm down, Alec. I don't like seeing you like this." She whispers into my ear and places her warm hand on my cheek.

Whatever she's doing, it's calming me down.

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