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"Valentina." I hush him with my finger and although he looks outraged I got him to stop speaking. He takes a deep breathe and lets out a shaky breathe.

"They tried to take you from me." He whimpers. I can tell he's not used to being so vulnerable and I liked to see that he had a softer side. When I woke up I was sad to not still see him or feel him, but that wish was granted when I felt his rage. It was  so powerful that it sparked my senses and made me go find him.

"I know. I know." I say soothingly and hold his face in my hands. I couldn't help but enjoy this moment with him because I knew this side couldn't last forever, not in his family. I push a strand of hair from his face and his eyes become the grey that I've grown accustomed to when he's not partially turned.

"You can take him upstairs, I'll take care of them." FF says, cracking his knuckles. Alec walks towards an exit and I follow him, and by the time we got to his room, I could hear the final screams of the kidnappers. I step into his room quickly with my hands covering my ears and take it all in. It's.. dark with hardly any light except the light of of 5 small windows on the ceilings.

"How'd you really know where I was?"
"You don't believe I can sniff you that easily. You're not that hard to track with your smell."
"What's that supposed to mean?" He snaps at me.
"Nothing." I cover my arms and I grow vulnerable. I knew his soft side wouldn't last, but I was willing to see him for who he really is like I did before. I walk towards him and pull him into a hug, he didn't hug me back at first but knowing that I wouldn't let up he returned the favor.

"I'm Valentina Fray. I'm not going anywhere."
"Promise?" He asks quietly in my neck, and surprised as I am I answer him back with a grin.

"I promise you."

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