Chapter 9

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I had huge dark circles under my eyes and I felt like one of the characters from the Walking Dead. I couldn't get a wink of sleep after that awkward episode from the night before and my finger and wrists still hurt. Those red welts lost most of the color, but the pain was still there. I sighed and walked towards the cafeteria to find Dylan animatedly talk about something.

"Hey!" I called out, trying to swallow those butterflies trying to erupt from my stomach as soon as I saw Ray. But right beside him was his girl with a disdainful face which vaporized all the butterflies I thought I had. "Where is Thomas? I didn't see him in the class today."

"He is sick," Hunter replied as I took a seat next to him. "I think you should come and meet him. He'd be happy if you came."

I smiled. This was the first time when Hunter personally invited me home. Nothing could possibly make me happier. "Definitely. I'll also get him something to read so that he doesn't get bored at home. I miss him already," I sighed.

"We missed you yesterday, you know?" Dylan piped in. "We were at Ray's place. Surprisingly, there was a lot of chocolate ice cream stored in his fridge. I really wished you were there."

I looked at Ray and he suddenly blushed a little. It was there for a fraction of a second, but then, it was still there. I was sure of it! "Is that so?" I asked him, trying to stifle a chuckle. I was getting good at lying!

He rolled his eyes and stuffed a spoonful of food inside his mouth so that he wouldn't have to talk anymore. Dylan's phone rang and he flinched, putting it to his ear. "Yeah, Johanna?" He paused. "What? Outside the cafeteria?" He exclaimed and stood up. "Yeah, I saw you," he said and waved and we followed his eyes to spot the ever elegant, yet pot mouthed sister of his. She turned heads with her dazzling beauty and made guys drool at her slight hip sway. I wondered if there would be a day where I would look even a tiny bit like her, but then, that was asking too much and I erased that thought from my head.

"Hello, boys!" She smiled ever so gently and sat down gracefully beside Dylan. Apparently, she decided to ignore our existence completely. I looked at Marilyn and she had a full blown sneer on her face, which was a first, considering that she was sitting right next to Ray. Maybe she didn't like the fine female specimen in front of her either.

"Johanna, what are you doing here?" Dylan asked. "This is the university campus, you know?"

"Of course, I do. But then, I was missing you boys a lot and I also have a surprise for you! But then, where is Thomas? I especially wanted to let this out in front of him."

"He is sick," Hunter said. "He isn't here."

"Is that so?" Concern was etched onto her face. I wondered if the concern was real, but then, she liked Thomas, so I was thinking it was more towards the real concern. "Then let's go and meet him this instant!"

"What? Now?" Dylan exclaimed. "Our classes are not done yet."

"Do you care more about your classes compared to your sick friend who is lying in the bed, longing for the company of his friends?" She raised a brow. Sure, she exaggerated the last part, but then, she got her point across. Anyway, even I felt like visiting Thomas, so I thought it was alright to miss a few classes to meet him. "What about you, Ray? Don't you  want to see poor little Tommy who is suffering at home all alone at the moment?"

Ray rolled his eyes and sighed. "Fine, let's go meet him."

"I want to come along too," Marilyn piped in, clinging to Ray's hand. "Even I want to meet Thomas."

"Ah, so you were here as well, Marilyn?" Johanna exclaimed. "I thought that it was a leech in a dress, sticking onto Ray's hand!" She laughed out loud. Involuntary chuckles erupted from my mouth, and I even saw Dylan and Hunter controlling their laughter. But then I covered them up as coughs. I didn't want Marilyn go all psycho on me. She just glared at Johanna, unable to come up with a counter, but unexpectedly, Johanna's attention turned towards me, thanks to the chuckle.

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