Chapter 31

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Does anyone know how it felt like being an outstanding student?

I meant it literally.

Where you stood out of the class as you were kicked out because you couldn't get a copy of the poem that was going to be discussed in the class?

Well, I knew it. It felt not so great as I was the only one who was standing outside. My English literature lecturer had a really bad temper and didn't tolerate people who didn't have their copies in the class; hence the standing out. In the next 10 minutes, I was restless standing there without a purpose, until a very familiar voice echoed through the hallway, with girls giggling in the background.

"Why won't you come with us, Hunter? We'll treat you!" A girl whined and he came into my field of vision. I wondered how it felt like having so many girls asking to come out. He sure must have experienced it quite a lot, considering that he didn't care enough to respond to them.

It didn't take him long to spot me standing there and quickly walked towards me.

"What are you doing here?" He looked at me and back at the classroom. "Why are you outside?"

"Because I am an outstanding student," I shrugged carelessly.

That cracked him up real bad and he laughed out loud, earning dreamy sighs from the girls behind him.

"You really know how to make me laugh," he controlled himself and pulled me to his side. "Let's go out!"

"What? No!" I exclaimed. "I'm here as punishment!"

"I'll take care of it, just come!" He towed me along, despite all my protests. Those girls who were behind him just stopped and stared while he dragged me along. I figured it was because he doesn't do that quite often.

"Where are we going?" I whisper yelled. "I'm so dead when she finds out that I am not outside her class!"

"Relax! Do you wanna eat something?" He asked. When I was still reluctant, he offered, "how about ice cream?"

"Ice cream? But I..." He was luring me in now!

"Belgium dark chocolate ice cream?" He smirked.

And I was lured!

"But you are paying!" I yelled, ashamed that I fell for the ice cream lure.

"It's all on me," he had a full blown grin and I internally slapped myself a hundred times. Didn't Ray tell me not to go out with Hunter all alone?

We were soon in an ice cream parlor and I was being served a huge scoop of my favorite ice cream whereas Hunter barely had anything in his cup.

"Why don't you have enough ice cream? Don't you have enough money?" I asked. "I'll pay if you don't have enough!"

When he simply laughed and didn't say anything, I was freaking out. I could never be able to gauge him like I did with the other people in my life. His behavior was unpredictable and didn't have a pattern whatsoever. Sometimes he looks the most matured and sometimes he looked and behaved like a brat. He would randomly laugh at what I said, but never did the same for anyone else. He seemed to be concerned about me, but at the same time he seemed to enjoy seeing me be in trouble. Did I really irk him so bad in the past that he was taking revenge this way?

He looked like a borderline psychopath.

A handsome psychopath at that!

"Why are you laughing?" I asked self conscious about myself. 

"You wanna pay for me?" He asked.

"If you don't have money, that is," I frowned.

"Don't worry, I have plenty in that department," he smirked. He was so arrogant about his money. 

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