Take My Open Heart, It's All I Have To Offer

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"Pick up this damn mess!" my mom bellowed as I walked into the room, beat from a long day of work. I worked at McDonalds, but it was the best job I could find. It keeps a roof over our head, and food on our table, she should be grateful.

I gave her a look, but bent down to clean up the water mess she just spilt. I saw her take a sip, and spit it back out onto the floor.

"Damn tap." she mutterd, and dumped the rest out onto the floor, on my feet. I clentched my teeth, but continued to clean like nothing happened. this was a regular reutine. I'd come home to a new mess, and she'd always force me to clean it, even though I didn't make it.

After cleaning it all up, my mom told me to make dinner for her. I sighed, and stood. My mom gave me the evil eye as I walked into the kitchen and made her regular. White rice. That's all she ever ate. She had sensitive teeth, and rice is nice and soft, perfect for her.

I threw in a bag of rice into the microwave and hit the number one button, putting the rice in the microwave for one minute. As I did, I felt my pocket vibrate. My friend, Kayt Paydon, sent me a text.

Hey there friend of mine. Whatcha up to this fine day? I laughed at how much of a dork she could be, but she was my best friend ever. She's helped me stay off the streets.


Fine day? More like living hell Ha

I sat my phone down on the counter, and pulled the steaming bag of rice out of the microwave and into a small bowl. I made myself a bowl also, but made sure my mom didn't see it. She hated it when I took her food.

"Here your majesty." I said, sarcasim rolling off my tounge as I placed her dinner onto her TV tray she kept infront of her at all times. I swear, one day, I saw her take it with her to the restroom.

"You watch your mouth, young lady." she said, "Be lucky I actually keep you under my roof and not on the streets like most parents do at your age." she stuck a spoon full of rice into her mouth, and instantly spit it back into the bowl. "

"You tryin to burn my tounge right out of my own head?!" she yelled. "Wheres my Diet Coke?"

I sighed, and walked back into the kitchen. I heardm my phone vibrate on the counter, but decided not to look at the message until my mom was shut up. I grabbed a Coke for me from the fridge, and a Diet Coke out of the box on the floor, and took it to mom.

"Why do you only get a cold one?" my mom questioned. "You know, your real spoiled."

"There were no cold Diets, mom." I said. "Just drink it and eat your rice."

She glarred at me through her glasses, and took a sip.

"Spoiled brat." she muttered, and took another spoon full of rice, popping it into her mouth.

|The Next Day|

"Come again." I said, as the father and his two sons ran off to the playground, Happy Meals in hand. I looked over at Kayt. She handed a lady her salad and large drink before placing the money into the cash register, and looking over at me.

"Ahh, lunch hour." she sang. "My most hated time of the day." I gave her a smile.

"I know." I agreed. "I'm starving."

"Perfect time for a lunch break." Kayt said as she walked around the counter and infront ofmy register.

"I'll have a...cheese burger, but without the cheese...fries without the potatos, and...a drink please." she giggled at her silly order.

"Fine...but only if you share the fries." I gave her a small smile, and she agreed.

"Then make that a large fries without potatos, and two drinks." she returned the smile, but in a goofy mannor.

"Commin right up." She handed me the money, and I went to the back to get the food. Margret, the cook, gave me a smile. She always smiles, but never talks. She knows that me and Kayt are best friends, and she knows what it's like at my place.

She's a real sweet girl, but I've only heard her talk once ever since I've worked here. I had a feeling it was because of her family, but they came to eat lunch with her one day. That was when I heard her talk for the first time.

"Hey there Margret." I greeted, and she handed me the order, along with another warm smile before turning back to the grill, and working on the next order.

"Kayt and me are takin our lunch break, Josh." I said at our assistant manager. He waved me off, and I walked to the table Kayt picked out. I passed her the food she ordered, and I halfed the fries.

"No cheese burger?" she questioned.

I shook my head.

"Not that hungry." I gave her a smile, and popped a fry into my mouth. As it went down my throat, I realized how hungry I really was, but I was broke as anything.

Kayt must have noticed, cause she slid a five across the table, and smiled.

"Getcha something special."

I gave her a wide grin, and ran up to the counter, placing my own order into the register. As I got my food, I recieved the change, and walked back to the table. I gave Kayt her change, and she stuck it into her pocket.

"Thanks," I said, taking a bite, "but you really didn't have to do that." I muttered. Kayt passed me a napkin, and I wiped my mouth off.

"Don't mention it," she gave me another smile. "Just remember, you owe me a hamburger off the dollar menu." she picked up a fry and put it into her mouth, smiling.

"Deal." I took another bite of my burger.

|After Work|

"You goin home?" Kayt asked, walking to her car, keys in hand.

I nodded. "Yea. My mom wants me home early so I can mop the kitchen floor." I rolled my eyes, and got into my car.

"Okay," Kayt said. "I'll text you later." she got into her car, and pulled out of the McDonald's parking lot, and down the street.

I sighed, and turned my car on, driving the opposite way, to my house.

Where the devil awaits.

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