Chapter 4

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|Next Day|

"Get up, Kayt!" I yelled, and pushed her over. She slid off the bed, and onto the floor with a loud thud.

"Owchie Momma!" she yelled, jumping up and rubbing her head. "The ground might be clean, but it sure is hard."

I rolled my eyes, and tossed her some clothes. "Take a shower."

"Yea Ma'm!" she said, and soluted, like a solider, before marching into the bathroom, turned to face me, and shut the door.

"You better be out in ten minutes, Kayt!" I yelled, and smiled. "And that's an order!" Kayt giggled, and started the shower. I sighed, and made the bed up.

It was a habit, cause when I was little, I was always scared my mom would come up into my room, and would see my bed un-made, so when I'd get home from school, she'd whip me with a belt.

That was when my dad was alive.

I didn't hear the shower shut off, or Kayt leave the bathroom, cause as I was smoothing the wrinkles on the bed sheets, she jumped on my back, sending me face down into the bed. I screamed, and flipped over, shoving Kayt to the side.

"Oh my God, Kayt!" I yelled as my heart raced inside my chest. "What the hell?" Kayt cracked up, her damp hair falling into her face.

"It just seemed too tempting and easy, Lynn." she answered.

"Goddamn." I muttered, getting my clothes. "Give me a heartattack why don't ya." I closed the bathroom door, locking it from the inside, so Kayt couldn't toss ice cold water on my while I took my shower.

Which it wouldn't have mattered cause she took most of the hot water. From now on, I take a shower first, I thought to myself as I quickly cleaned up, and hopped out.

Today, was job hunting day, and we had to hurry before they got too crowded. I blow dried my hair, and smiled as I brushed my teeth. Kayt knocked on the door, and I let her in.

She brushed her teeth, and hair. We both applied alittle eye liner, and mascara befoe heading out. I grabbed both our room keys, and the car keys before shutting the door.

It was hot, and even hotter inside the car. I turned on the AC, and left the doors open as the car aired out, and cooled off. When it did, we both got in, and drove down to the mall that was a few miles away. There were bound to be jobs in there.

Turns out there were, and they paid alittle more than what McDonalds paid us. I got to work at a video game shop, cause it was the first thing I appiled for, and I got it. (They were in desperate need of a girl worker for some reason. Boys...), and Kayt got a job at Arepostal, which was right across from where I worked.

"You start today." my boss said, tossing me a shirt, and badge with my name spelled wrong on it. He must have been in a hurry, cause I'm positive there's an L in my name.

"Hello there Ynn." a worker there teased. His name was Derek. "Nice name. Original."

I gave him a smile. "He messed up my name."

"I know." Derek said as he placed some cash from a boy into the cash register. "He does the same thing to every newbie." He gave the kid back his change, and the boy ran off to a mother that sat outside, holding a small baby in her arms.

"The name's Lynn, actually." I corrected, and held out my hand for him to shake. "Nice to meet you."

Derek took my hand, and kissed the top. "Pleasure to meet you," he kissed it once more. "Lynn." he added in a deep tone.

I pulled my hand away, and gave him a nervous smile.

Maybe I should have found a job at a different place... I thought, but sighed. No turning back now.

All during the day, Derek flirted with me. When I was able to take my lunch break, I ran as fast as I could to go see Kayt before I decided to take a seat at Chick-Fil-A and eat.

"Have a nice day." Kayt said with a smile. When she saw me, and waved. I walked over, and sighed.

"My job's weird." I said. "The only worker there flirts with me all day."

"I'd rather have that." Kayt whispered. "The workers here hate my guts." I looked over at Kayt's co-workers. I noticed one look at me, and wrinkle her nose as she took a long look at my work outfit.

I did the same to her, and she flipped her hair at me as she looked away. The other glarred at Kayt before looking at the one that flipped her hair.

They both whispered to each other, probably afraid of Kayt overhearing their conversation, but both Kayt and I knew, the conversation was about her, and me.

"Just ignore them." I said. "Their just mad cause your prettier than them." my voice grew louder as I said the last part. Both girls looked at me and glarred. I gave them a small smile, and wiggled my fingers at them in one of those girly waves.

"See ya later, Kayt." I said, and left.

|Later that Day|

"Well." Kayt walked into the video game store, shoulder slumped. "The bitches got me fired. All's I did was give the wrong change, and I was outa there." she sighed, and looked at Derek.

"You need any more helpers?" she asked. I looked at Derek too, and he shook his head no.

"Actually, the boss is cuttin you off too, Ynn." he said. Yea, he never did get around to actually calling me Lynn.

"What, why me?" I asked. "What have I done?" Derek shrugged.

"He said he heard a bad review bout you from your old job as McDonalds." he said. I frowned, and saw the boss behind Derek, his hand stretched out.

I took off my name tag, and my shirt (I had an undershirt on) and walked out. Derek wanted a hug, but I didn't give it to him.

"Now what?" Kayt asked. I sighed.

"What did I do at McDonalds that made Josh wanna make a bad review on me." I said.

Kayt shrugged, then gasped.

"Lynn..." she said, turning slowly to look at me.

I looked at her. "Yea?"

"Did you pay rent before we left?" she asked. I felt my eyes grow wide, and we both ran from our bench, and into my car.

We drove to the cheap motel and pulled into a parking spot that was open. All our things were outside the door, and the manager was standing infront of the door, hands crossed over his chest. As we walked up to him, we smelled the greasy hamburger he probably ate for lunch, and noticed he needed a shave. Bad.

"Keys, ladies." he said in a deep, southern accent. We both frowned, and handed up the keys. "Get your garbage outa here, and leave." he said, strictly.

We loaded up my car, and drove down the highway, in search for another motel that would let us stay a night.

For free.

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