Chapter 5

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| The Next Day |

"Wake up Kayt." I said, shaking Kayt awake. She shot up.

"I didn't mean to mom." she muttered, still half asleep. I gave her a weird look, and she snapped her head up.

"Sorry." she smiled. I sighed.

"You should go home." I said, sighing. "Theres no need for you here anyways."

Kayt smacked my head. "Dumb nugget. I'm not leaving."

I rubbed my head where Kayt smacked me. "I'm not a dumb nugget, I mean it." Kayt looped her arm through mine.

"We're all in this together." she said.

"Great," I said, remembering the famous High School Musical song from 2006, "Your not gonna start singing are you?"

Kayt laughed. "Naw." she said, and gave me a soft smile.

"Come on." she pulled me out of the car. "I know what can make you feel better." We walke towards the mall, where we were both fired.

"What are we doing?" I asked.

"We're gonna go on a guy hunt." Kayt said with a smile. "Come on, it'll be fun. You don't have to talk to them."

"Oh yea, just hide beind a bush, and check out their ass." I said, sarcastically. "What fun."

"That's the spirit!" she said, and pulled me down at a table. She scopped out the food court, but didn't find anybody intresting.

Sighing, I gave in, and took a quick look around. Finding nothing, I looked back at Kayt.

Her eyes grew wide, and she patted her hand lightly on mine.

"What?" I asked. "You find Mr. Sexy?"

"Both." she said, and pointed over to the corner of the food court. I looked, and felt my eyes grow wide.

He stood there, along with another boy. He wore a white shirt, black skinny jeans, and a grey pair of supra shoes. He flipped his golden hair off to the side, and a wide smile as his friend next to him said something.

That smile could light up a whole lie.

"Damn." I said. It must have been pretty loud, cause he looked over my way. I turned back in my chair, my face burning.

"He's lookin at you, Lynn!" Kayt said, smiling.

"Don't look!" I snapped. Kayt looked off to the side, and smiled.

"I call his friend." she giggled. "He's pretty cute."

She snuck a quick peek at the two, and then her eyes grew wide.

"Their coming over." she said.

"What?" I asked, turning my head slightly, to see the guys making their way towards mine and Kayt's table.

"Don't look." she whispered, but it was too late. I looked just as he walked up.

He looked hotter up close.

"Hey." he greeted. "This seat taken?"

"It is now." Kayt said, pulling it out. "Have a seat." she opened the other seat across the table for the other guy.

They both sat.

"I'm Justin." he said, smiling.

"Lynn." I said. Justin smiled again, and looked at Kayt.

"Kayt." she said, smiling back. We all looked at the other guy.


"Nice to meet you two." I said, finially speaking.

"So...I saw you looking at us back there." Justin said.

I nodded. "Kayt told me to." Kayt shot me a look, but smiled.

"Yea...we were hungry, and was looking around when we saw you." she said.

"Nice save." Christan said, making Kayt giggle.

"You want something?" Justin asked, staning. "It's on me."

"Really?" I asked. "You sure you got enough?"

Justin smiled, and nodded. "Don't worry. I've got enough. Want something?"

Both me and Kayt nodded, and Justin and Christan walked towards the Chick Fil A.

"Oh. My. God!" Kayt said once the boys were out of hearing range.

"He's so cute." I said, looking at him ordering for us.

"I could get used to this." Kayt said, smiling.

"Don't." I said. "Your still going home."

Justin and Christan came back.

"Who's going home?" Christan asked.

"No one." I said, shooting Kayt a look that said we'll-talk-bout-it-later. Kayt rolled her eyes, obviously upset that she had to go.

I sighed, and got up. "I'mma go use the bathroom." Kayt got up, and followed, leaving the boys alone.

And dumbstruck.

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