Chapter Ten

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A/N: WOO!! DOUBLE DIGITS BABY!!!! lol idk how long this storys gonna be. lol But I'll worry bout that later :P Enjoy! :D:D

The next day, I woke up to Kayt shaking me.

"What." I moaned. "I was dreaming."

"Bout who?" Kayt asked, smiling.

"Taylor Lautner." I said, smiling.

"What does he have that I don't?" My eyes fluttered open as Justin stepped into mine and Kayt's room. I sat up, and tried to smooth out my hair.

"Umm." I felt my face burn with embarrasment. "Good morning!" I smiled.

Kayt laughed. "Take a shower." she ordered suddenly.

"Why?" I asked.

"Cause." Kayt said. "You've got to be clean for your date!" My face burned as Justin smiled at me. I walked to the back to get my clothes for the day, and jumped into the shower.

When I got out, Kayt jumped in. I sat in the living room, watching re-runs of Spongebob on Justin's TV when he jumped over the couch, and sat next to me, putting his arm around my shoulders.

"That was amazing!" I yelled. "I wanna try."

"Professionals only." he said, smiling. "Maybe when your coordinated enough." I rolled my eyes.

"We all know, that will never happen." I said, smiling.

Someone knocked on the door, and Justin told them to come on in. Christan walked in, smiling.

"Hey guys." he said. I waved.

"Kayt's getting all washed up." I said. "I'll tell her to hurry." Christan smiled and sat in the arm chair next to the couch.

I banged on the bathroom door.

"Yea?" Kayt yelled.

"Your lover boys here!" I yelled. The water shut off, and I ran over to where Justin sat.

"I'm surprised you didn't jump over the couch." Justin said.

"I can?" I asked.

"No." Justin chuckled. He wrapped his arm around my shoulders, and smiled.

"I will one of these days." I said.

Kayt walked out of the bathroom, and threw her damp towel at me.

"Hey." I said. Kayt gave me a smile, and went over to sit on the edge of the chair next to Christan. He stood, and let her sit in the seat. He sat at her feet. She played with his hair.

"Wow your hairs soft." she said, laughing. He smiled.

"Good." he said. "If it wasn't then it would be dirty."

"Thats..." Kayt gave me a weird look and I laughed.

"Whats she laughing at?" Christan asked looking up at Kayt, and she shrugged.

"She laughs at everything." she said, and cut me a look that said shut up. I nodded, and got up to get something to drink.

"Get me something!" Kayt yelled. I tossed a water bottle at her, and she swatted it to the side.

"Your supposed to catch it." Christan said, standing to retrieve the bottle.

"My bad." she said, and glarred playfully at me.

"Want one?" I asked Christan.

"Sure." he called. I tossed another one and it smacked him in the back of the head. Justin and Kayt busted out laughing.

"My bad." I said, and looked at Justin. "You want one too?"

"I think I'll get it myself." he said standing. I laughed, and got one out. Justin backed away as I handed it to him.

"It's not a bomb." I said.

"Its like a bomb when you hold it." Christan said, rubbing the back of his head. I laughed, and put Justin's water on the counter before shutting the fridge door with my foot, and walking back to my spot.

"So what are we supposed to to for the rest of the day?" Kayt asked. Justin and Christan shrugged.

"How about I take the girls out to go get some new clothes for tonight?" Justin's mom walked into the room, purse in hand.

"Sounds fun!" Kayt said. "And the guys can stay here, and do whatever guys do when they're about to go on a date."

"Play X-Box!" Justin and Christan said together. They leaped up from their seats, and dashed into Justin's room.

Justin's mom rolled her eyes. "Boys." she said. Kayt and I laughed.

"Lets go." Justin's mom said, opening the front door for us. We walked out, and down to the cars.

After going shopping, we went back to the apartment. Justin and Christan were still playing X-Box. It was a quarter til 7 by  then, so Kayt and I had to get ready. We were only going out for a movie, so we only picked out a pair of skinny jeans, and some cute tops.

But Justin's mom insisted we continue to buy more clothes, since we brought the boys happiness, or somnething like that. I think she just wanted to spoil us, and give us something to do rather than be cooped up in a house.

We didn't complain though. It was fun.

"Let me do your makeup." Kayt said as I slipped on the top that we got for me. It fit me nice, and showed all my curves. Made me feel skinny for once. Kayt's top looked kinda like mine, just a different color and design. Plus her's showed her figure perfectly.

"Don't go all haywire." I said before she could start. "I don't want to look like a clown."

Kayt snorted. "When have I ever made you look like a clown?" I pointed to a picture that sat on the desk that sat near the window of Kayt and I during Halloween. I was dressed like a clown, and Kayt did my makeup.

"That was for the costume!" Kayt said, laughing. "I'mma make you look so pretty."

I smiled. "Okay. I'm trusting you."

Kayt merley smiled.

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