Chapter 16

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A/N: WOO!!! My lucky number :D lol idk how much longer this storys gonna b out...hmmm..I'll think bout that AFTER this chapter :) lol Hope u like it! :D

I pulled my hair back into a ponytail as I got Mom's rice ready. She gave me a nice beating when I walked through the door the other night. The bruies on my cheek throbbed.  Kayt's been trying to get ahold of me for the past two hours, but I didn't feel like talking.

Not even to myself.

"Here." I said, plopping the hot bowl onto Mom's tray infront of her.

"Where's my-" I opened a can of her Diet Coke, and put it next to her bowl. I grabbed my backpack off the floor, and made my way back into my room. I threw my backpack against the wall, and it landed on the floor with a loud thud. A picture frame that sat on my wall fell, and I groaned as glass flew in every direction.

I got down on both knee's, and picked the glass up gently before tossing it into the trash can behind me. I looked at one huge shard of glass that sat inside the picture frame of me and my dad before he died.

"I wonder how easy it could be to just..." I placed the sharp edge of the glass on my wrist, and then removed it. "Wonder if it actually helps."

Someone banged on my door, and it burst open. I turned my head to see Kayt. She looked at the glass in my hand, and her eyes widened.

"No!" she screamed, hand extended. "Give it to me now." I looked down and saw I had put the glass back against my wrist. I rolled my eyes and tossed it into the trash.

"I wasn't going to," I said, taking out the bag in my trash can, and tossing it next to the door. Tomorrow's garbage day anyways.

"Then what were you thinking?" Kayt asked. "Is that why you didn't want to answer any of my calls, or texts? Cause you were going to kill yourself?"

"No!" I yelled, looking at Kayt. "When have I ever wanted to kill myself?" I took out the picture, and tossed the broken picture frame in the trashbag with the glass. "I'm used to the pain anyways." I set the picture gently onto my desk, and turned.

"What did you want?" I asked.

Kayt shrugged. "I was worried for you." she said. "You haven't said a word since..." she didn't finish. The pain of what happened that night engulfed inside of me, and I sighed.

"Well." I said, thinking of an explanation. "Maybe I didn't feel like talking." Kayt looked down, and sighed.

"Have you found out who...called him?" she asked. I shook my head, picking up a cardboard box off the ground, and unloading it's contense. I still had some things that needed to be unloaded and put away. Kayt walked over and started helping me.

Kayts phone buzzed, and she looked down at it. I saw Christan's name pop up as he sent her a text.

"Glad you and Christan weren't affected." I said as I folded a shirt and tossed it onto my pillow. Kayt put away her phone.

"He's trying to cheer Justin up." she said. "So technically we both were affected." I shrugged.

"He dumped me." I said. "He should feel great."

"But he was told lies." Kayt said. "He broke up with you for that reason."

I shrugged.

"You didn't really date him for attention did you?" Kayt asked. I shook my head.

"When have I ever actually wanted attention?" I asked. "I didn't even want to try out for theater because of all the attention I would get in the plays they would perform."

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