Chapter 15

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"What do you mean!?" Kayt asked, shocked. "Just because your mom's being a..witch doesnt mean you have to ruien your life."

I shrugged, and pulled my hair into a ponytail. "I don't want anyone to get hurt."

"Your getting hurt, dummy." Kayt said, placing her hands on my shoulders. "Don't you think your overreacting?"

I shook my head. "Not one bit." Kayt sighed.

"I'll pack up our things."

I frowned. "You don't have to go." I said. "Just cause my life is living hell doesn't mean it has to effect your life."

Kayt frowned. "I've never left you alone before, and just because I'm in love doesn't change that!" I couldn't help but smile. I gave her a hug, and she laughed lightly.

"But I'm not ending it with Christan." she said, pulling away from me. "And you shouldn't end it with Justin."

I frowned. "If I don't, then how am I supposed to leave?"

Kayt shrugged. "Just...leave. Tell him something important came up and you had to deal with it."

"And never come back?" I asked. "That will probably hurt him worse than me actually leaving him."

"Do you want to leave him?" Kayt asked. I thought a minute, then shook my head. "then don't."

I sighed. "Fine.."

She smiled in victory.


"Where are Lynn and Kayt?" Christan asked. "I'm starving." I chuckled.

"When are you never hungry, dude?" I asked, leaning against my car. I pulled out my phone, and was about to send Lynn a text, when an unknown number called me.

"Hello?" I asked, having a gut feeling it was a fan that somehow got my number.

"You wanna know the real reason why Lynn agreed to be with you?" it was a woman's voice.

"Excuse me?" I asked, confused. "Who is this?"

"No time for that." the woman said quickly. "you wanna know or not?"

"Umm." I didn't know if I wanted to.

"She was poor." the woman said. "I know how she lived. Poor, pathetic. Alls she wanted in life was money, and attention. So, when she met you, she just had to get the attention you could give her."

"I..." I walked away from Christan. "I don't believe you."

"You better." the woman said. "I know Lynn. I know how she can be when she's not the sweetheart you imagine her for."

"How?" I asked.

"I'm her mother." the woman said. I heard Lynn and Kayt coming over to the car. I moved farther away. I looked over my shoulder, and saw Lynn smiling at Christan who was telling them something. She looked over at me, and I looked away.

"How can you prove it?" I asked.

"What has she told you about me?" the woman asked.

"Nothing." I said. "Only that you called her to threaten her."

"Lies!" the woman hissed. "All she wants is attention! What kind of mother would call her daughter that she hasn't seen in a week just to say 'I'm going to kill you!' ?"

I thought about it, and it did make since.

"It doesn't sound like Lynn." I said, looking over my shoulder to see Lynn smiling at Kayt as she struck a random pose. I felt a smile tug at my lips as I looked away again.

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