Chapter 2..

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|Few Days Later|

"You goin home, Lynn?" Kayt asked, leaning into my open car window. The nice, warm summer breeze blew through slightly, and I smiled it blew Kayt's hair into my face, tickling my nose and neck.

"I don't know."-I laughed- "Why, you got some plans for me?"

"Do I?" Kayt giggled. "You wanna come over? We can pop some popcorn, and a movie."

I thought about the offer, and nodded. "Deal." Kayt smiled. "Race ya to your house!" I yelled, and reved the engine. Kayt sprinted to her car, also reving her engine.

And we set off.

|Few Hours Later|

"Bye, Kayt." I said, waving over my shoulder at Kayt as she stood by the front door, also waving. "See ya tomorrow."

I got into my car, and looked at the time on my phone. 10:30, it read.

Crap! I screamed in my head. My mom's gonna MURDER me now. I started the car, not caring about the seatbelt, and drove as fast as I could, without getting caught, home. As I flew by a 'Stop' sign I didn't see before, I finally had to stop when the blue lights started flashing behind me.

Awww, damn. I thought, and pulled over. I saw the officer stick his foot out of his car, and make his way to my car window. He bent down, so he was eye level with me.

"My, my, my." he said in a deep, husky voice. "Do you even begin to realize how fast you were going, little missy?"

Little Missy?! I'm freakin' 16 I thought, but pushed the thought back.

"No sir..." I tried to think of an excuse as to why I was, but came up with none. The only one I could think of was 'i was trying to get home so my mom doesn't beat the living shit outa me.' but I knew that one would actually work, along with get my mom arrested, and get me out on the streets.

I handed him my liscense, and registration and he went back to his car to write out the ticket I was gonna recieve. All's I could think about now, as he handed me the yellow ticket, along with everything else that belonged to me, was :

What the hell is my mom gonna say?

"You got a what?!" my mom bellowed as I showed her the yellow slip from the officer. "What on earth were you thinking, coming home that fast?"

"It was late, and I needed to get home." I said.

"That's another thing." my mom said, starting up again. "Why are you deciding now to come home? Where have you been this whole time, anyways?" she bit down on her rice I just made her.

"I was at a friends house, mom." I responded, walking into the kitchen, and setting the ticket on the table.

"Was it Kayt's?" my mom yelled.

"Yea?" I said. "so?"

"That no good rotten kid." she muttered.

"You take that back!" I yelled, walking back into the living room. "She's been nothing but nice to you."

"She's been nothing but trouble to me!" my mom screamed. "If it wasn't for her and her stupid personality, then you wouldn't have been out late, and you wouldn't have gotten that ticket!"

"Because of her, we'll be living off the streets, like sewer rats." she added.

"You don't have a right to say that about her!" I yelled. "Why don't you take a good look at your damned up self before talking trash about everybody eles's!" I couldn't keep the words from slipping through my mouth.

My mom's eyes grew wide, and she pushed her tray out from infront of her. She stood straight, and walked over to me. She gave me a small smile, and the next thing I know, I'm seeing a bright light in my right eye.

I staggered a few steps backwards, holding my throbbing eye. I clentched my teeth together, and balled my open hand into a fist.

"You hit me, and I'll have you arrested, you hear me!" my mom yelled. I felt small tears weld up in my eyes as the pain in my eye increased.

"Now," my mom started again. "I want you out of this household, and away from here, you got that?" I gave her a look, and nodded, not saying a word.

I got everything I owned out of the house, and into my car. I left the ticket on the table. My mom can deal with that herself. I started the car, and started driving back the way I came.

"Lynn?" Kayt whispered, walking out of her house in her shorts and tanktop, along with her froggy slippers. "What's wrong? What happened to your eye?"

I touched my right eye gently, but cringed as the throbbing pain increased slightly before dying back down to the numb feeling.

"My mom finally had it with me." I said through clentched teeth. I was trying not to cry. I was mad, and upset, the only time I'll ever cry. I told Kayt everything, about me getting the ticket, about my mom going off on Kayt, and about my mom kicking me out.

"Where are you gonna go?" Kayt asked.

I shrugged. "Away from here." Kayt nodded, and placed her hand on my shoulder.

"I'm coming with ya." she said, smiling. "No friend of mine who stuck up for me is gonna go out alone." She walked me into her nice, warm house, tugging me into her room.

She packed up all her belongings, clothes, shoes, and her I-Pod which she got from her rich grandparents in Alaska. That was the last thing she got from them before they moved again, and didn't say where to.

We loaded up my car, and hopped into the front seats. Before I started the car, I looked at Kayt.

"I can't let you do this." I placed the car keys into my lap. "Your parents will have a heart attack when they find you gone, Kayt,"

Kayt waved it off. "Don't worry. My mom knew this would happen eventually, and I'm 16. Plus my dad said that when this happened, to tag along."

I nodded. "Remind me to call your parents, and tell them I love them." Kayt giggled, and nodded.

"Now lets get this show on the road!!"

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