Entry 1- Twitter, Twinkles and Micky.

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Dear Diary

I know right? My parents think I should do this so I am. They say I don't express myself enough and they know I'm no good at art or dancing or singing so they want to see if writing will work. Honestly, I don't know if it will or not but I can give it a go, what harm can it do?

So this is where everything is going my secrets my jokes and my boring daily life routine. I'm going to attempt to write in here at least once a week so it will make mum and dad happy.

I guess.... I don't really know what else to put? Maybe about my family and me? I've never done this before, it feels kind of weird talking to paper. Okay so my family first?

My mum (her name's Tracy) and dad (Ray) are together and they've got us 5 kids. Justin who's 20 and a complete vain idiot if I'm honest. He has girls all over him and is apparently smart and funny so yeah... After him theres my younger brother called Trent who's 13. He's adopted but he knows it, they adopted him when I was 14 and he was 11 so only around 2 years ago. This doesn't stop him being the most annoying stroppy creature in the world besides my twin brothers who are 7 years old. They're called Tyler and Flynn. They're at that age where they just enjoy annoying specific people eg. ME.

Me... I'm no good at anything. My school grades are pretty bad, I'm not funny and I can't depend on my good looks mainly because I don't have any. I guess that's it, not much to say about me? Oh and I'm 16.

We all live in this pretty big house in the country. It's big and has like 2 acres of land, my mum and dad are pretty well off. We each have our own rooms blah blah blah. I go to beaucray high, year 11. Trent goes to a different high school that has a weird name he's a year 8. The twins are at beaucray primary and Justin is getting ready to go to Manchester University.

That's a lot to take in, right? Imagine how my life is.

Well, I'll write later I guess? Bye...do I put kisses in a diary or not? Okay I will and see if it looks right... xxx

Yeah that looks right. Okay, bye xxx

"For goodness sake. How many times do I have to call you?"

"Sorry mum." I half murmur closing the diary and hiding it under one of the many cushions on the king sized bed. Okay, remember it's the velvet turquoise cushion it's under.

"What is it?" I asked reaching the bottom of the stairs.

"I'm taking Tyler and Flynn to their friends birthday party. I'll be back in about half an hour." she told me doing up the buckle on here coat. The twins ran past and practically ripped the door off the hinges.

"Bye sweetie." she kissed me on the cheek grabbing the present for the boys friend and leaving. Now I'm alone. Justin's out at his girlfriends, I think he's breaking up with her tonight because he's leaving for Uni.

Trent is out at speedway racing with his friends he's usually out until about 9:30 on a saturday night, it's a regular thing.

Dad is at work, yeah who works on a saturday?! He's a therapist, hence the whole needing to express my feelings and writing them in a diary thing.

Might as well go back to my bedroom and play some music. I made my way back to my room and grabbed the remote for my Ipod docking station.

Maybe I could call Micky? He'd entertain me. I grabbed my Galaxy S4 that was on my vainty table and speed dialed 4.

"Hey Twinkles."

"Please stop calling me that." I sighed in to the phone. This has been his nickname for me since nursery as the first thing he ever said to me was 'hello you have twinkley eyes'. He's very original when it comes to nicknames.

"Nope, I'm not sure I even remember your real name." he told me sarcastically, he thinks he's hysterical.

"Thanks, so you up to anything?" I asked him.

"Not really, twittering facebooking." he answered as I heard him typing something.

"Are you stalking those boys again?" I laughed to him.

"Yes, now shutup and go ride your horse or something." I could practically hear his smile.

Micky was gay, not steriotypical gay. You know how you usually have the more feminie guy in the relationship and then the more masculine one. He was the masculine one. He even had quiet a few girls fancying him. Only a few people knew he was gay, I was one of those few people.

"I can't he's at the vet's" I told him.

"Why what's wrong with him?" he asked sounding concerned. I had, had horses all my life and Rio was my current horse and also my 3rd one. The other two had both died. My first one was put down from cancer, the second was shot by someone who had tried stealing it.

"Nothing, just being castrated. I took him in last night and I'm picking him up tomorrow." I explained.

"You okay?" he asked. Rio was my first male horse. When horses are operated on it is dangerous when they wake up from the anesthetic, he'll be fine though. I hope.

"Yeah, he'll be fine. Wanna come over for the night? I'm bored and Justin, Trent and the twins are all out for the night." I said to him.

"I thought Justin was dumping his girlfriend tonight, why would he stay at her house?" he asked, he really is naive sometimes.

"He'll go out and get wasted with his mates." I said in a 'duh' tone.

"Alright, I'll be over in like 10 minuets. Love you."

"You too." I said hanging up.

I flopped back on my bed and decided to stalk Micky's twitter. All of his recent tweets, wait nope, all of his tweets were to the One Direction boys.

@Micky_17893@Harry_Styles@Real_Liam_Payne@zaynmailk@Louis_Tomlinson @NiallOfficial LEAVE THEM ALONE MICKY!!!! :P xxxxx

With in seconds of my sending that tweet I got a reply.

@ShoeLaces...they love the attention!! @Harry_Styles @Real_Liam_Payne @zaynmailk @Louis_Tomlinson @NiallOfficial don't you? ;) xxxxx

@Micky_17893 Get ur butt over here, you have 10 minuets then I'm locking the door.

I then locked my phone and set it next to me staring at the ceiling. No one knew mine or Micky's twitter so Micky could harass boys all he wanted without anyone finding out. Mine and his account are what a lot of people would say were 'big accounts'. I know how did an account called shoe laces get big? I have no idea. People like my random pointless tweets. Mick had a'big account' because he's a boy directioner.

"Darrrling I'm here." Micky's voice echoed as the front door slammed.

"In my room sweet cheeks." I laughed as he entered my room throwing his over night bag down on the floor. He jumped on my bed and messed up the million cushions. He found it funny when I had to pick them all up.

"Thanks for that." I rolled my eyes.

"Any time." he said. He turned away as I grabbed the diary quickly and shoved it under my bed.

"Movie night?" he asked.

"Oh you know it girlfriend." I smiled.

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