Entry 10- Hangovers and Sofa Days.

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Dear Diary,

OW MY FLIPPING HEAD. I drank waaaaay too much last night, it's a good thing my parents haven't been home yet. These boys are seriously getting the better of me. We stayed up until 2am drinking playing that stupid game. I was so bloody drunk! Everything is hurting right now, I have no idea how I'm even writing. I've only ever been drunk once before so this is kind of new to me. I'm pretty sure I'm a light weight too so that doesn't help.

I am going to spend the whole day recovering, mum just text me saying they wouldn't be back today either. Not until tonight when we are going out for a meal with my Aunt Uncle and Cousin anyway. Thank goodness for that though, she would kill me if she knew I had been drunk with 5 guys.....Urgh I don't even know where the guys are. My brothers are all out until the meal tonight too luckily. I'm going to go in search of some Advil or something....

Byee xxx


"Please be quiet." I begged holding my head in my hands but not before throwing my diary under the bed. I dragged my self down stairs with my duvet and in to the lounge.

"You're such a light weight babe." Liam laughed handing me some pills and a glass of water. I smiled at him gratefully. It had just gone mid-day and I was curled up on the sofa with my duvet watching old episodes of F.R.I.E.N.D.S and The Vampire Diaries.

"Urgh, I know. I've only actually been drunk once before that. Don't tell my parents by the way, they will kill me and probably kick you five out!" I softly laughed.

"Okay, I swear we will keep quiet, as long as you don't tell anyone about what you found out about us five last night." he joked winking at me. I nodded in agreement.

"Liam stop flirting with her, her head is hurting enough from the alcohol without you confusing her." Zayn laughed coming to sit the other side of me. I rolled my eyes, which hurt. I can't even doing that without it aching.

"Where are the other 3?" I asked.

"Lou and Niall are in the kitchen making you food and Harry went for a walk." Zayn told me. They were being really sweet about me having a crappy hang over, I think they feel it's their fault.

"Where'd Harry walk?" I asked.

"He said something about going to see Rio?" Zayn said.

"My horse." I notified him as he looked confused by it. After last night I definitely feel a lot more comfortable around them.

"For the queen who feels she is to good to make her own food." Louis announced walking in and giving me a bowl of scrambled egg with toast cut up on top of it.

"I made it by the way." Niall claimed, very proudly as well.

"Thanks Niall." I smiled. Louis had a fake coughing fit.

"And thank you Louis." I said sarcastically.

"Any time but don't ask for it again." he replied sarcastically making me laugh slightly. I shoveled a forkful of egg in to my mouth oh-so lady like.

"So," I said swallowing my eggs "What're you guys doing today?" I questioned wanting to know if they were planning on going out any time today. They had all sat down around me, all on one sofa, cuddled up to my duvet as well. They had shoved me about so they could get comfy, Louis mainly. It was quite a picture really.

"Looking after you." Niall mumbled somewhere in the mess of boys, near my feet I think. I smiled at that.

"You don't have too. I have to go out tonight with my family for a meal and 'bonding'." I informed them and groaned at the thought.

"What do you have against Olly anyway?" Zayn asked from the arm of the sofa, playing with my hair, I now had my head on his knee.

"He's a dick?" I told them as if it was obvious.

"How long have you hated him then Mrs.Perfect?" Louis asked. He was now next to me with his head on my shoulder and I was leant against him instead of the back of the sofa.

"Well, Mr. I think I'm so amazing, I've never liked him but we really fell out when we were 13 if you must know. Kind of like a fist fight happened down at the stable, a big fuss made and now here we are." I explained waving my hands around.

"Did you get hurt?" Liam asked, his head on my stomach, he was looking up at me.

"Not really, a couple of bruises. No proper blood or anything." I told them.

"Where you going for the dinner tonight?" Louis asked, bored of the other subject.

"This little restaurant, I love it there. The decoration inside is so cute. It has a little waterfall thing inside!" I described it to them.

"I want to go!" Niall said, I lifted my head slightly to see him pouting. I laughed and shrugged.

"Come, sit at another table but don't get caught by my parents. It could be interesting." I laughed.

"Deal." Louis said sounding serious.

"For real?" I asked surprised.

"Yeah, like you said it could be interesting." Zayn agreed. This could go horribly wrong and end me up in a lot of trouble....

"Guys?" we heard Harry's voice call through and the front door slam.

"In here!" Louis yelled. I covered my ears over re-acting.

"Ow Louis!" I complained.

"Shut up, you were the one who got yourself drunk." he told me. Harry walked in and looked at us weirdly, he really doesn't like me. I looked down to Liam and he looked up at me and shrugged his shoulders.

"Um, I'm going to go and shower and get ready for tonight. I have to pick up my brothers as well. One of you is going to have to drive me if that's okay?" I checked untangling myself from the guys.

"I'll drive you." Niall volunteered. I nodded my thanks and went up to my room picked out a red skater dress some white tights and a pair of red vans with white laces. This is about as girly as I get, then I went in to the shower room but not before texting Trent to remind him to get ready at his friends and then texting Tyler and Flynn's friends mum to ask her to get them ready too. She knew but I was reminding her.

I showered quickly and did my hair wavy and the put my clothes on. I went back in to my room and put some mascara and lip balm on. All in all I was about an hour and a half getting ready.

"Niall?" I shouted coming down the stairs.

"In the lounge!" he shouted. I walked in to the kitchen as I wanted to grab a bottle of water but stopped myself. Like I've said before, I know I shouldn't listen in but it's just a bad habit.

"Harry seriously, you need to stop going on about it! It's got nothing to do with-"

"Hey Bonnie!" Zayn coughed stopping Harry and Liam mid fight.

"Er, hi." I smiled trying to cover up the fact that I was listening in.

"You look really good." Harry said, the first he's said to me without really being forced into having an awkward conversation with me. Liam elbowed Harry at this point.

"I'm going to get Niall." I said awkwardly feeling out of place enough as it was. Liam nodded and glanced at Zayn, what did they know that I didn't?

"We going or not?- Woah you look good!" Niall said walking in. I hid my face and shook my head.

"Can we go?" I asked, I've never been good at receiving compliments. Like real compliments. Niall nodded putting his arm round my waist as if it were a date, of course I slapped his arm away laughing at him and in return he pulled a face at me.

"See you at the restaurant Bonnie!" Louis shouted from the lounge.

Wait. They're actually going to come and spy on me and my family?

A/N So there's the chapter. Guys please can I have a little more feedback, it'd encourage me to update quicker and completely take it off hold? I swear I do try and update quick but school work sucks balls D: Anyway, any ideas as to what the secret thing could be? And do you think she should be with any of the guys? Thank you for reading - Emily :D xx

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