Entry 16- Dinner and Festivals.

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Dear Diary,

I have a sister. I'm confused too, I'm not going to write about it in detail because there is way to much to say. What else? Louis has apologised, he's still a dick but at least he had the decency to say sorry.

Well, I guess I'm going to go down stairs and see what's going on. I'll probably write again soon when I get used to the idea of having a sister and my mind stops buzzing quite so much.

Byee xxx

I push the diary under the corner of my mattress as there is a knock on the door.

"Yeah?" I call.

"Dinner's ready." Liam notifies me coming in to my room, I nod but he doesn't make any move to leave.

"So....How's things with Louis? y'know." he shrugs casually.

"Um, okay I guess. Why?" I tell him, wondering why he'd ask about it.

"Just wondering." he says before leaving my room, I follow him down. I have to admit I'm pretty hungry. I've been out with Rio for a couple of hours and that's exhausting and on top of that I've forgotten to eat today. I stumble slightly behind Liam on the stairs as I feel dizzy.

"You okay?" he checks turning round to find me steadying myself.

"Yeah, just a bit dizzy." I tell him. he gives me a weird look but carries on in to the living room where the other guys were. The twins I could hear were in the games room with Trent, I could hear them arguing. Apparently Ollie was here to, I could hear him laughing. He had ended up staying with my Aunt and Uncle rather then here because they though it'd be easier.

I looked around at the guys spread out watching TV. I looked to Zayn who motioned me discreetly to go and sit with him. I sat next to him on the floor and he moved closer to me.

"You alright?" he asked genuinely concerned.

"I guess, slightly confused." I told him.

"I would be too." he shrugged. I lent my head on his shoulder as he focused on the screen which was playing an old episode of 'Top Gear'. I looked around and caught Louis glancing at me, I shook it off and turned away from him.

"Bonnie, can you come and help me set the table?" my mum called through. I got up and went into the dining room. I felt someone follow behind me and turned round.

"I'll help." he shrugged taking the plates as I grabbed the knives and forks.

"Thanks, Zayn." I said setting out the places. he looked up from the plate he was setting down and smiled.

"Oh Zayn, you don't have to help!" my mum came in interrupting our...moment? Did we just have a moment?

"It's okay, I offered." he replied glancing towards me as he spoke to my mum.

"Alright. Well, Bonnie go and get the salad and baguette." mum told me pointing towards the kitchen.

"I know where the kitchen is mum." I rolled my eyes and wondered into the kitchen. Apparently we are having chicken and salad for dinner. I looked round to find the salad and spotted it with a baguette and a half next to it.

"Tyler! Flynn! Stop eating the bread!" I yelled picking the salad up.

"Mum said we could!" Flynn bounced in tearing off another piece.

"Yeah." Tyler agreed taking a piece too.

"Stop it!" I said snatching it up. The salad in one hand and the bread in another.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2014 ⏰

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