Entry 2- Rio and Annoying Parents.

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Dear Diary

I didn't think I would write in here this soon after the first entry either, we're both confused.....and now I'm treating you like a person. It's official, I'm crazy.

My friend (best friend but that sounds childish) has just left. He stayed the night because I was bored and made him come over. Shock horror?!? HE? WHO IS HE? He is gay and thankfully my parents don't mind that so he sleeps over here a lot. I might as well write his name because I'll probably write a lot about him. He's called Micky. Well, Michael but he prefers Micky.

Anyway, I'm writing because I like to procrastinate and don't want to do my homework. Year 11 shouldn't get homework, it's unfair. We are just about to start our GCSE'S yet teachers think it would be hilarious to give us homework on top of the revision we have to do! Okay, so it's only revision plus writing an essay but still....revision is hard enough.

There isn't much to write really, I don't get what feelings my parents think I could possibly bottle up, I mean I'm a 16 year old girl how much can I feel? Actually ignore that, us girls can feel a lot.

It's about 1:30 now and Justin only just arrived home from last night. He's in so much trouble. He dosen't care though because he's  leaving for Manchester tomorrow. I suppose that's one way to look at it. 

The twins were picked up from their friends house at midnight because they got homesick, they like causing trouble! Me and Micky had to walk over and pick them up because we were both still wide awake and mum was tiered. Then we had to carry them back and they fell asleep. Comes close to one of the worst sleepovers me and Micky have ever had.

I have to go and pick up my horse Rio soon, he's just been castrated.The vets called and said everything had gone well and that I could start riding him again in 2-3 days!

Okay well, I can never end these things or sign off nicely so byee xxx

"Mum? I'm going to get Rio now." I told her. I pulled on my muddy trainers and wiped my hands on my jeans and ran down the stairs.

"Sweetie, stop wearing your dirty shoes in the house." she told me. I glimpsed back up the stairs to find a mud foot print trail, oops?

"Love you mum, bye." I half yelled running out the front door. I would usually ride Rio where ever I'm going but since I don't have him I have to walk. The vet is only about a 2 miles from here so it's not to bad.

It took me about 25 minuets to get there and it's a pretty windy day, not fun.

"Hi, I'm here to pick up Rio LaTour." I told the receptionist, we had to use our surname for him. This place was really cool. It's a vets but specializes in horse care so I don't have to go out of the way if I need something for my horse.

"Okay, you have the forms?" she paused as I handed over the forms as she checked through them " he's in stable 10, Harriet can you take her?" and with that I was guided to my much missed horse Rio.

"Hey Rio." I smiled rubbing his noes as he nestled in to my hand. I quickly attached the rains to him and lead him out and round to the front of the vets. My mum had already paid the £200 bill.

"Thank you." I nodded to the lady called Harriet and left quickly. Rio doesn't like it there. It was around 3 o'clock when I got home because I had to put Rio back in his stable which is a 5 minuet walk from the house.

"Good you're home." was the first thing I heard as I walked through the door.

"Oh good I'm home." I replied. She grabbed me and sat me down in the lounge.

"What?" I asked. Me and my parents never sit down and just talk, like ever.

"How have you been finding writing in a diary?" my dad asked me.

"Fine, I'm okay really. I don't need therapy." I told them preparing to run. They went all therapist-y on me some times and I didn't exactly enjoy it.

"We aren't going to give you therapy, we just wanted to know if you are writing." mum said in a calming tone. I nodded waiting for them to say more.

"Do you miss your cousin?" mum then blurted out.

"And I'm leaving." I said getting up and walking out of the room.

"Wait, Bonnie!" my mum yelled. I ignored her walking up the stairs, I didn't storm or throw a tantrum I just calmly walked up stairs and in to my room. I don't like talking about my cousin I suppose that's something interesting to write in my diary? Not knowing what to do I logged on to twitter.

Parents sometimes, aye? RT if you know what I'm talking about! :) xx

I sat and watched as the retweet count just went up. From 0 to 123 in 4 minuets. Twitter makes me feel loved. I even got replies to it.

@ShoeLaces I know what u mean #AnnoyingParents.

@ShoeLaces They're just doing what's best whatever they've done.

@ShoeLaces You'll get millions of RT's from that aha!! Follow me babe :* 

It annoys me when they do that whole 'babe' thing when I've never even spoken to them but I guess that's just how some girls are. I'm lucky to know there are millions of other teens who feel the same way as me though.

@ShoeLaces text me now twinkles

Guess who that one was from.

@Micky_17893 Nope, I'm probs just PMS'ing :P xx

@ShoeLaces to much info!! @Harry_Styles follow us!! xx

@Micky_17893 using me just so you can tag @Harry_Styles in a tweet, I'm offended!! xx

@ShoeLaces Ohhhh go do your homework!!!!!

@Micky_17893 Fine then I will. Bye guys, blame @Micky_17893 for me logging off

I then logged off and closed my laptop knowing full well he was gonna get a load of complaints for being the cause of me logging off.

"Bonnie, Micky's on the phone!" my mum yelled. Wasn't he just tweeting me though and why would he ring me on the home phone? I ran down the stairs and in to the lounge where the phone was only to be locked in with Justin standing there looking about as pissed off and confused as I probably looked.

"Justin, what are they doing?" I asked.

"I don't know but if it has anything to do with him then I'm not involved." Justin stated referring to our cousin. I nodded in agreement. The only reason the twins and Trent weren't here is because they didn't know about this cousin, lucky them.

A/N If you guys are wondering One Direction are introduced in the fourth chapter and properly come in, in the fifth. - Emily :) x

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