Entry 5- One Direction and Explanations.

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Dear Diary

One Direction are in my lounge. I never ever thought I would write that in here.

It's weird that I didn't think I would write in here much yet this is the second time today. I need to though, I feel like I need to write. It actually does help surprisingly, I find it kind of relaxing.

After I finished off my other entry my phone rang. I never got to ride my horse because it was my mum calling to say she wanted me back here and told me it was rude and then started ranting anyway.... I came in and my cousin Aunt and Uncle were here with One Direction, yes that famous boy-band. I don't know why they're here and I'm to afraid to go back downstairs now, I'm going hide up here because I stuck my middle finger up at my cousin in-front of them all and mum's extremely weird about the whole swearing thing and stuff like that.

He just wind's me up, Olly, he knows exactly what I hate. In-fact he doesn't even need to know what I hate and use it against me, he just needs to talk. Not even talk he just needs to breath! I do want to know why those boys are here though. I will admit I like their music and I follow them on twitter and stuff, I would go to a concert if I got the chance but I'm not completely obsessed like Micky. I should tell him their here actually.

I don't really care about the whole 'embarassment' I may have caused myself, I just don't want to find out my punishment yet so I'll stay up here. I think I'm going to call Micky now and let him know who's here plus I need a friend and a hug :)

Bye xxx

I stuffed the diary under the turquoise cushion and took my mobile out of my dirty jean pocket. I should probably get changed, I'll ring Micky first. I pressed 4 on speed dial and waited for him to pick up.

"Twinkles?" he answered.

"Can you come over like now?" I asked, not urgently, I didn't want him worrying.

"Sure, be there soon. Should I bring like clothes so I can stay over?" he asked me.

"Yeah, please. I need moral support. See you soon." I smiled.

"I'll be there in 10." he told me the hung up. I threw my phone on the bed and decided a shower was probably best.

I grabbed some dark blue jeans and a black baggy t-shirt with 'Devil's Child' written on it in luminous red. I tip toed over to the bathroom quietly and turned the water on dropping my clothes on the toilet seat.

I stripped throwing the dirty clothes in the laundry basket and climbed into the shower. I turned the water on letting it run down my skin. I couldn't be long because Micky would be here soon.

I washed my hair and body before getting out and drying myself and dragging on my clothes. No time to do a mini concert. I then threw my towel in the laundry basket as I heard the doorbell go. I literally sprinted down the stairs and pulled the door open.

"Hey, right be quiet and come upstairs." I said pulling Micky in from the rain.

"Bonnie? Have you got that? Who is it?" my mum began asking as me and Micky ran upstairs. I doubt she would approve of me having him over because of what happened earlier.

"No one!" I shouted then slamming the door as Micky looked at me confused.

"I'll explain, just give me a minuet." I told him. I closed my curtains to shut out the outside world and lay down on my bed. Micky dropped his bag and lay down next to me and we both stared at the ceiling. He waited knowing I would explain when I was ready.

"So, my cousin is here. With some people." I said not really knowing how he would take it, I mean he's Micky. I do trust him but I just don't want him 'fanboying' or whatever it's called.

"What people?" He asked.

"One Direction people, don't scream!" I told him just deciding it's better for him to just know instead of freaking out when he see's them casually sitting on the sofa.

"Oh my god." He whispered.

"Don't freak out, I don't know why they're here I kinda made a quick escape after sticking my finger up at Olly." I explained to him.

"Well can we go and find out, wait you flipped the finger in front of your family and One Direction?" He realized. I rolled my eyes and got up off my bed.

"Mum doesn't know you're here so I'm probably going to be in trouble when she finds out so we can't go down and yes I did. He just, urgh, he just winds me up so much!" I informed him, he sighed and half laughed.

"I'm going to be in trouble to then if she doesn't know I'm here!" He laughed.

"Bonnie can you come downstairs we need to talk now! In the kitchen." Mums voice carried upstairs. Me and Micky glanced at each other with a worried look before we both walked down to the kitchen.

"Bonnie I have no ide- Micky?" My mum cut herself off mid rant as she saw Micky

"Hi Mrs LaTour." Micky said giving a shy wave.

"Hello darling, I didn't know you were here. Are you staying the night?" She asked to polite to make him leave.

"I don't mind, if its okay with you." He replied, he was always polite to my parents. It's kind of weird how polite they both are when they're around each other.

"Of course it is dear, it's just we do have guests, I hope you don't mind." Mum said to him.

"That's fine, Bonnie has mentioned as well." He said.

"Tracy? Are you alright in there?" Uncle Paul called through from the main lounge.

"Just fine me Bonnie and her friend will be through in a minuet." She shouted back.

"I'm going to explain to you now why we have guests okay, and you better be on your best behaviour while they are here okay?" She said warning me. I tried not to smirk, this was a light telling off and I know it's because Micky is here.

I nodded ready to hear why I had a world famous boy band sitting in the lounge.

"Your Uncle Paul is their tour manager but also their head body guard. As their bodyguard he has too look after them and protect them." she explained my uncle's job to me.

"Okay, so why are they here?" I questioned.

"They need some free time off, fans keep finding them though. I offered for them to stay here since it's in the countryside and fans have no idea who we are and it would be a good opportunity for you to re-build you bond with Olly." mum told me.

"No thanks I'll pass on the bonding, how long are they here? Where are they sleeping?" I began to question as Micky stood shuffling next to me uncomfortably.

"They're here for about 2 weeks and will be staying in Justin's room and the guest room. Now come and meet them sweetie." mum said taking me by the wrist as I grabbed for Micky. She dropped my wrist as we reached the lounge but I kept hold Micky's wrist.

"Hi Uncle Paul, Aunt Chloe." I smiled ignoring the 6 boys on the sofa (One Direction and Olly).

"Hello Bonnie." my uncle pulled me in for hug and my aunt did after.

"You've changed a lot since last time we saw you!" My aunt said as she looked at me.

"It has been 2 and a half years Aunt Chloe." I smiled trying desperately to ignore the guys. It's extremely difficult though, I'm a teenage girl and there is no denying that they are really good looking (not my cousin!).

"Yes, Bonnie it has been a while. Could you show the boys where they'll be staying. Olly is in the small guests room, Zayn and Harry in Justin's room Niall and Liam are in Trent's room and Louis in the larger guest room." She told me with a smile.

"Where are-"

"Your Aunt and Uncle aren't staying, they will be in a hotel in the village." She told me. Couldn't they have taken Olly too?

"Um, okay. Mickey you can-" I began.

"I have to go twinkles, I'll see you later okay? I'll be round at 9" He smiled, he probably needed to go and fangirl (fanboy?) a bit.

"Okay." I sighed as he gave me a kiss on the cheek and left.

"Is that your boyfriend?" Olly teased. I rolled my eyes at him.

"He's gay you twa-"

"Bonnie, I suggest if you don't want to be grounded for the whole holiday you don't finish that sentence. Now show the boys where they will be staying." My mum said in a warning tone. I sighed and walked out expecting them to follow.

"Go on, she doesn't bite." I heard my mum say. She's acting as if we're all twelve or something.

"Thanks for letting us stay here again." I heard one of them say before they joined me in the hallway. Thankfully Olly hadn't come with them as he knew where each room was.

They all followed me as I lead them upstairs and down the landing. I stopped at Justin's room which was opposite mine.

"Zayn, Harry. Um, you're in here." I said gesturing to the door. I was extremely awkward at this point, what sixteen year old girl wouldn't be?

"And Liam, Niall you're in here." Again I nodded towards the door next to Justin's.

"Louis, you're there." I finished pointing to the door opposite Trent's.

"Thanks." Louis replied equally as awkward as I felt. They all disappeared into the rooms they would be staying in as I went back in to mine.

Two weeks with One Direction? It can't be TERRIBLE. Can it?

A/N Wow this is a long chapter, do you guys love me for that? *looks innocently at you* - Emily :) 

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