Entry 3- Sarah Detention and Living in a Barn.

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Dear Dairy

I have no idea what to think so I'm going to write it all down in here then re-read it to see if it helps, that's what this is for right? Well if it's not then my bad.

My mum and dad just tricked me and Justin in to going in to the lounge, mum the proceeded to talk to us about our cousin. That doesn't seem that bad except for the fact me and Justin hate this cousin, there is a reason for that but I'll write that later.

Anyway this cousin has to come and stay with us for a while and there is no way on earth that I can possibly cope with him in the same house as me for 2 whole weeks, exactly 2 WEEKS!! It's kind of alright for Justin because he's leaving for university tomorrow but me, no I have to stay here and put up with him. 

He's arriving on Friday so I have just under a week to either prepare myself or make an escape plan. Maybe I could just live over the stables with Rio? Or maybe stay at Micky's for 2 weeks? Whatever.

I'll probably write later when he's here so it looks like I'm busy so there might be a couple more entries in here then I expected.

I have to go now it's almost mid night and the last week of school starts tomorrow then I have some time off, hurrah!! On the downside that whole time I'll just be avoiding my cousin.

Well the next time I write I'll explain about my cousin and why I don't like him and why he has to stay here....bye for now xxx

I flipped the diary shut and pushed it under the mattress. I should probably find a better hiding space for the diary rather then shoving it under my bed. I don't want to go to school tomorrow, why can't the school burn down or something?


"Sweetie, c'mon it's Monday you're late." I could her my mum alert me as I dragged the brush through the muddy blond mop on my head that's meant to be my hair.

"Kay mum!" I yelled giving up and putting my hair in a pony tail bringing it to rest on my shoulder. I stared at the reflection looking back at me. I don't really care too much about my looks but every girl has their insecurities. Mine happens to be my face. 

I mean my blue eyes are alright kind of, my noes is just abnormally small and my cheeks are always tinged red. It's just over all ugliness but for some reason Micky thinks I'm pretty but i think he has to say that because he's my best mate.

"Bonnie! Now!" Tyler said banging my door open attempting to scare me. 

"Tyler, you know what happens when you come in my room don't you?" he squealed and laughed before I chased him downstairs and in to the kitchen where my mum was.

"Sweetie, if you're going to take that long getting ready after seeing to Rio you'll have to get up earlier." she told me. Every school morning I get up at 5 and go to the stables to see to Rio. I have to feed him, ride him, groom him ect. Then when I get home after school I get to go poo picking in his field yaay!! Did you get the sarcasm in the last sentence?

"Mum I already get up at 5." I whined as I picked up a mini pancake and taking a bite out of it. She just turned away. I heard a knock at the door so grabbed my bag and made for the door.

"Micky's here bye mum love you." I shouted then slammed the front door still with the mini pancake in hand. 

"Helloooo there young maiden." he greeted me in a posh voice holding out his arm for me to link.

"Why hello there ol' chappy." I laughed linking his arm. Our high school was about 10 miles from my house so the school bus picked me and Micky up at the stables. Micky lived a 20 minuet walk in the opposite direction to the stable so he walked to mine then we walked to the stable where the bus would get us.

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