Entry 7- Harry, Zayn and Riding Rio.

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Dear Diary ,

Micky's fallen asleep! It's 1 am here so I can't blame him but he usually stays awake longer when he's over. We crawled under the covers and pretty much died. When I say under the covers, I mean he's on the floor with a double cover and I'm sitting on my bed writing in here.

I think everyone is sleeping except me and I can hear two of the One Direction boys up, I think it's Harry and Zayn. I'm pretty sure they're in Justin's room across the hall. I didn't hear the other three come up so they've all fallen asleep down stairs. Olly hasn't come out of his room so I would guess he's still in there.

I think I might go and join Zayn and Harry, I'm literally so bored and I can't sleep. I'll try not to wake Micky while I leave...

Byee xxx

I shove my diary underneath some of my cushions and stuff my feet in to a pair of furry pink slipper boots. I'm wearing some checked pyjama bottoms and a vest top so I pull a green Hollister jumper over my head to cover up, plus it's cold.

I get up and sneak round Micky trying not to wake him. I make my across the hall and knock on Justin's, well it's Harry and Zayn's now, door. I can hear the hesitate.

"Guys are you awake?" I whisper shout through the door. I stumble backwards slightly as it opens, I look up and see Harry standing topless leaning against the door frame with a slight smirk drawn on his face.

"Um..I-er." I stutter, wow that's distracting. Harry raises his eyebrow and tilts his head. I clear my throat and try again.

"I'm really bored. Micky's fallen asleep. Can I join you two?" I ask more calm and collected.

"Sure." he smiles, the smirk being removed from his face. He stands back as I walk through, in to the room. I hear the door close and Harry walks past me. I sit down on the floor with my legs out in front of me. My back is leaning against the wall next to the closed door. Zayn is sitting opposite me leaning against the bed and Harry is lying on his stomach on the bed, his head next to Zayns.

"Don't you have a friend here?" Zayn asked.

"Yeah but he fell asleep a while ago." I shrugged. "What were you two talking about?" I asked relaxing slightly knowing that they actually didn't mind talking to me.

"Just the guys and what we want to do with our time off." Zayn shrugged one shoulder.

"Oh, so?"

"What?" Zayn asked not understanding.

"What do you want to do while you're here?" I asked, hoping h would understand this time. His confused frown turned in to a smiled.

"Ohh right, we aren't really sure. Relax mainly." he told me. He gave out a yawn. A smile slipped on to my face.

"You're tired?" I asked.

"Nah, I'm alright." he tried to shake it off.

"You can sleep you know." I told him.

"I don't want to leave my little Harry awake on his own." he joked but, for some reason, there was a hint of seriousness in his voice.

"I'll look after him for you." I said.

"I am here you know?" Harry laughed. I looked up to him and smiled back and shook my head.

"Zayn, you can sleep if you want." Harry told him. Why doesn't Zayn want to leave him alone? What's wrong with him? Do they not like me or something?

Zayn nodded and went down stairs, probably to fall asleep with the other boys. They're probably so used to being with each other they must just prefer being with each other now.I heard the t.v. in the lounge being turned off which means Zayn's down there now. I sat awkwardly for a minuet, the whole I'd been in there I had mostly been speaking to Zayn.

"Erm Harry?"


"Why didn't Zayn want to leave you on your own? Is it- I mean do you not like me or-"

"No it's not that. Just things have gone on, it's nothing." he mumbled. He's not very talk-y is he? I mean what am I meant to, oh! I know.

"Have you ever been on a horse?" I asked with a smile across my face. He had a worried look on his face as he moved his hand in a so-so motion. This should be fun then.

"Do you want to go down to the stable?" I asked.

"Erm-" he said rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. He sat up and dragged a jumper on. He smiled at me and got up giving me a hand.

"How far away is it?" he asked.

"A five minuet walk, not far." I kicked my slippers off as we crept downstairs and instead pulled on my muddy trainers. Harry followed my lead but with some white high tops, they'll be muddy brown in about an hours time. We crept out the front door quietly and began walking towards the stable.

"So, um..." Harry tried to make conversation.

"I er, Harry?" I sighed.

"Yeah?" he asked glancing up from the ground to look at me.

"Am I ever going to find out why Zayn didn't want to leave you alone?" I asked straight out.

"Probably not, you might." he laughed and then continued to look down watching his footsteps. Well, that ended that conversation. I sighed as we arrived at the stable, I lead him round to where Rio was. He was awake and looked pleased to see us.

"Hey." I said stroking his nose.

"Do you want to ride him?" I asked turning to Harry who still looked as awkward as ever.

"Umm... I don't know I mean..." he trailed off rubbing the back of his neck. I turned back to Rio and lead him out of the stable after tacking him up.

"I'll show you how." I told him swinging my leg over Rio. I guided him in to the field with Harry following being wary of the horse.

"Bonnie, won't you get told off for being out this late?" Harry spoke up.

"Probably but mum's in a mood with me as it is, don't worry." I shrugged. I motioned for him to stand next to me and he did.

"Try and get on." I told him.

"How?" he half laughed but sounded worried.

"Rio's gentle, c'mon." I said putting out my hand. He grabbed it and I pulled him on. He almost fell off the other side which made me laugh but apparently he couldn't see the funny side of it.

"Er, what do I hold on to?" he asked fidgeting his hands.

"Round my waist but um, you can hold the saddle." I instructed him. This was awkward but it'd be more awkward sitting in a room not knowing what to say to each other. I tapped Rio's side and he broke in to a trot.

"Woah." I heard, guessing Harry had lost his balance I turned round to see him clinging to the saddle.

"You alright?" I half shouted.

"Yeah." he mumbled. Reluctantly I felt his arms go round my waist. I couldn't help but smirk, c'mon Harry Styles is worried and has his arms round me for safety! I tapped Rio again and he picked his pace up to a canter. Harry tightened his grip slightly as I had to lean forward. I made Rio go in to full out gallop. I loved the rush I got whilst riding but Harry disagreed.

"Bonnie? Bonnie can we stop?" He said my ear. I immediately slowed down to a walk and brought him back to the stable. Harry jumped off as I followed him. We stood in Rio's box and I took off the saddle and reins.

"You okay?"

"I'll survive, I just don't think that's my thing." he told me. I laughed and sat down on the hay and he joined me, it was pretty comfortable.

"How come you didn't like it?" I asked. He just shrugged as he pulled a bit of straw apart. I watched him as he stared at the ground playing with the same piece of straw. He doesn't seem like the 'Harry Styles' the media see him as. He's no where near as confident as I thought he would be.

Maybe I could give these guys a chance, Harry doesn't seem too bad anyway.

A/N So this took a while to update, how're you guys finding it? Is it too boring? I really want to know, who do you guys ship Bonnie with so far? - Emily :D x

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