Entry 12- Poor Harry and Louis is an Arse!

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Dear Diary,

It's day number four with these guys and I'm more clueless then ever about this 'secret' that they know! I hate not knowing and it's clearly something to do with me!

Me and Harry were at the stables all night, we actually slept there. We've only just got back to the house, luckily everyone is still asleep. I'm 100% sure they realized we had gone out last night and the fact we were gone for the whole night... my parents are going to be skeptical. Then there's the four other boys that will probably tease us non stop and not believe we just argued. When I say argued, I asked Harry questions and he wouldn't answer, I would strop for a bit and then ask him again.

I didn't mind sleeping down there and I don't think Harry did either. I mean we didn't just argue we did have some proper conversation, it was a lot less awkward then the first time we spoke. Me and him are now sat in the lounge watching the T.V. quietly so we don't wake anyone. He's at one end of the sofa and I'm lying down with my feet on his knees.

I have to go he keeps looking at me weirdly, I have no idea why!


"What're you writing about?" Harry asked. I closed my diary and put it on the floor next to me. I shrugged in answer.

"Nothingness, it's just a stupid thing my mum and dad think I should to 'express myself'." I laughed. He smiled at me.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing." he shook his head. I looked away feeling awkward as he was staring at me with a smile playing on his lips. I heard shuffling around upstairs and then a lot of stomping. Well, I think the boys may be up. Sure enough, Liam and Louis appeared in the door of the lounge.

"Where were you two last night?" Liam raised his eyes brows.

"Urgh, just don't. My mum is going to kill me for being out all night." I groaned at him. I get bored of being told off all the time. She has three younger boys to look after and decides to focus on me and all my 'bad habits'.

"Yup, especially as you were with the Harry Styles." Louis said with a hint of something in his voice, venom? He covered it well but from Harry's face he had caught it.

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