Entry 15- Finding out and Forgiveness

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Dear Diary,

I don't even know how I'm writing right now, I'm so worn out and tired I can't even be bothered to move much. It's Thursday today, I feel the need to write that because my mind is so all over the place and that's the only sane thing I can think to write.

Zayn stayed with me last night to comfort me because Louis is such a....there's not even a word for him! My head is spinning. On top of all that I can't stop thinking about this secret they keep avoiding telling me! I might sit mum and Harry down and force them to tell me today. That's what I'll do. I'm going to go now because I can't focus my eyes I'm so tired!

Bye xxx

"Harry!" I called weakly he heard though and came in quickly. He shuts the door behind him and comes to sit on the bed next to me. He gives me a sympathetic look.

"I need to know this Harry. Louis is hurting and confusing me enough as it is. What is it that you know?" I ask him. He gets up to walk away but I grab his hand, I swallow hard as it's quite awkward holding his hand but I don't let go until he sits down again.

"Please?" I beg. He sighs hard.

"You're mum is going to hate me." he tells me and hesitates. "You have a sister." he says quietly.

"I WHAT?" I shout. He flinches as I do it.

"You're lying. How on earth do I have a sister? I don't have a sister. You're insane. Mum would've told me. How? I mean how?" I rush out utterly confused.

"She's 29. I don't know, I shouldn't have told you. I'm sorry." he stumbles over his words and looks at the ground.

"How do you know that? I mean her. I mean you might've got it wrong!" I say. My heads spins from the information and the lack of food and drink I've had today. He shakes his head still not looking at me.

"I spoke to your mum about it. She's defiantly your sister, half anyway. God, why am I telling you this?" He says putting his hands to his face, rubbing his eyes then running his hands through his hair.

"Where's my mum?" I ask him.

"Work?" he mumbles then shrugs. I get up quickly making me sway slightly, I steady myself and then grab some clothes and my phone from my dresser.

"I'm going for a shower." I tell him over my shoulder then make my way to the bathroom. I shower quickly and put on my jeans and marvel t-shirt.

"Woah, since when are you up?" Zayn catches me by the arms as I run into him on the stairs.

"Since Harry told me a I have a fucking sister!" I say seeing a look of complete shock on his face, then carry on towards the front door.

"Bonnie!" I ignore him as I run out of the house. I pretty much run to the bus stop down the road and catch a bus into town with the change I grabbed off my bedside table when I grabbed my phone. The journey seems to take longer then usual as I constantly check my phone for nothing in particular. The bus finally pulls up outside my stop.

I get off and look up and down the streets of the small village. It's snowing lightly and I'm freezing, I forgot a jacked or jumper of any sort. I look at the big clock above the main shop, 3:15. Mum should be at the chemist. She only works Thursdays through until Saturdays behind the counter. I walk in and find my way to the counter.

"Hello Bonnie!" she greets me but soon looks concerned the look on my face is obviously matching how I'm feeling. Angry, confused, intrigued, determined and curious.

"Is there something you forgot to tell me mum?" I ask her.

"No? Is there?" she answers.

"You mean like the small details of my life, I don't know, for example about my half sister?!" I raise my voice at the end not meaning to. She looks shocked for a second before regaining her composure.

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