Entry 11- The restaurant, the Outburst and Questions

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Dear Diary,

This is just going to be a short entry because I'm currently sitting outside a restaurant on a bench waiting for my parents to turn up and I'm looking after my 3 younger brothers...not so much fun. I hate having to be in charge, I am not and repeat AM NOT good at being mature and responsible.

I wish Niall had stayed. I mean he did offer to stay but I didn't want to hold him up or anything. I don't know what the guys are doing tonight but I didn't want to be clingy or annoying. I'm worried they might turn up here like they said though!

I have to go Tyler just pushed Flynn off one of the swings in the little play park thing they have...urgh!

Byee xxx

"Tyler!" I scolded putting my Diary in the bag that I had brought with me.

"He wouldn't get off it. It was MY turn!" He shouted stamping his foot and clenching his fists. I picked Flynn up, it wasn't like he had fallen far or anything he had scarped his elbow and was bleeding though.

"You don't do that though Tyler. You know it's bad." I said whilst trying to comfort Flynn to. Why do I have to be the oldest?

"And Trent why couldn't you have been watching them?" I asked angrily looking at him on his phone tapping away.

"Not my fault. You're the oldest, you look after them." he shrugged not even looking up from his phone. He is so annoying! I groaned and turned thankfully to see my mum, dad, aunt, uncle and (unfortunately) my cousin walking towards the restaurant.

"Mum!" I sighed handing my younger brother over to her.

"Hey kiddo, what happened?" Uncle Paul asked me. I rolled my eyes as he pulled me in to a hug making me laugh.

"It's dangerous to leave you as the responsible one!" he said.

"I've tried telling her." I said putting my hands up in surrender. Me and my Uncle got on well, unlike me and well...pretty much the rest of my family excluding my aunt and older brother Justin.

"Come on lets go in." my aunt smiled. They all bundled in with me at the back to make sure all my brothers were there. We managed to get a big round table that we all fit on and got our drinks. I stuck to coke even though my mum offered to let me have alcohol as my aunt and uncle were here. I almost gagged at that point.

"Shh come on!" oh crap, that voice sounds far to familiar. I turned round to see 3 figures with their heads down. They came and sat at a table 1 away from the one I was at. What were they up to?

"Erm mum I just need some air, just, if I'm not back when the food comes text me." I said showing her my phone then getting up to go outside. I walked past their table and grabbed one of them. Not to sure which boy. Wow, that doesn't sound suspicious at all!

"What are you doing here?" I asked before even realizing it was Louis I had grabbed. We were now outside in the chilling breeze, I was freezing actually.

"We said we'd come didn't we?" he mocked. I might have to slap him. He winked just to antagonize me.

"Okay Mr Annoying, I thought you were joking?" I replied.

"I wanted to see you in your natural habitat with your family." He shrugged. Definitely might have to slap him.

"Who're the other two with you?" I questioned further.

"Guess." he laughed trying to piss me off, it was working. I stood with my arms crossed not saying anything and raise my eyebrows waiting for him to tell me.

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