Entry 4- My Cousin and Guests Arrive.

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Dear Diary

It's Friday now, my cousin is coming today. I've just got back from school and I'm sitting in the stable. I literally ran home got changed grabbed this diary and a pen and ran back to the stable. I should probably explain about my cousin, okay.

His name is Olly Higgins. His dad is my mum's brother hence how we are cousin I suppose! Well something happened when me and him were 13 and Justin was 17. The twins were only just 4 so don't really have any good recollection of him. Trent hadn't been adopted then either so it's basically me and Justin that remember him.

It wasn't anything hugely bad that happened. Me and him never really got on from a young age. This one day mum and my Aunt Chloe told Justin to take me and Olly over the stables so he did. We were with my horse who at the time was my second horse called Dusty. She was beautiful by the way! Back to the point. Me and Olly fell out over something, I can't even remember what it was. My mum and Aunt Chloe would usually be there to split us up but they weren't it was only me him and Justin.

Me and Olly ended up in a really horrible fight. Not just verbal, physical. Him being the boy was much stronger then me. Justin had no idea what to do so just called mum on the mobile. Her and Aunt Chloe were there very quickly. They pulled us apart but we had really hurt one another.

I'm not the kind of girl that fights. I'm considered pretty quiet at school actually, he just knows how to push all my buttons. We both were taken to hospital. I had a fractured wrist but he was just badly bruised.

Mum and Aunt Chloe still get on well and so does my dad and Uncle Paul. Justin and me like our Aunt and Uncle but both of us pretty much straight up refuse to forgive or forget what happened.

I'm going to ride Rio now, he keeps nudging my arm with his nose so sorry if this is scruffy now. Well wish me luck with Olly..... Bye xxx

"Alright, okay I'll ride you now." I said closing the diary and putting it in a straw stack and climbing on to his bare back. Just as I thought I was going to get away with being out of the house my phone rang.

"And your heart's against My chest lips pressed to my neck. I'm falling for yo-"

"Hello?" I answered the phone, stopping the Ed Sheeran song from playing. I jumped of off Rio as my mum began her rant.

"Bonnie Rose LaTour, where are you? You know that we have family here and there is a reason for them being here and they need to explain it to you. It is extremely rude to not be here as our guests arrive!" she scolded.

"Sorry mum, I'm with Rio." I said not sorry at all.

"Just get back here now." I heard her sigh.

"Okay, bye love you." I said. I heard her attempt to say something but hung up grabbing my diary and pen, I closed the door to Rio's stable knowing I wouldn't be over later so he couldn't go back out in the field. He'd been out all day though and it looks like it might- Never mind it is raining now.

I clutched the diary to my chest as I ran in the rain to get back to the house. Rain pelted at my face and soaked my jeans hoodie and t-shirt as I ran. My hair was now also clinging to my face it was raining so heavy. Since when has the house been this far away?

I got in to the warmth but now must look like a wreck. Maybe I can sneak up to my room. The front door got caught up by the wind and slammed.

"Bonnie? Is that you? Can you come in here for a minuet please, everyone is waiting." I heard my mum's voice echo through. I took one look at myself in the mirror that was placed on the wall and gulped. She was going to kill me. I was covered in mud from the field and from the stable I was in with Rio. Not just that though I was completely soaked through.

"Bonnie now please." she asked, I could tell she was getting impatient. I slowly walked in to the lounge facing the floor knowing I was about to be punished.

"Bonnie, what have you been doing?" my mum gasped. I pretty sure if my family hadn't been there I would've laughed. I looked up at her.

Well I was going to look up at her until I saw my Aunt my awful cousin and my Uncle who happened to be standing next to the sofa with some incredibly good looking guys on.

"Bonnie?" my mum asked as I realized I was staring. My eyes flicked to her then the boys then back to her.

"Um, mum why are One Direction uh here?" I asked completely confused.

"Answer me Bonnie Rose LaTour." she said firmly. I felt the diary in my hand all of a sudden get very heavy and I felt tiered all of a sudden.

"I told you I was with Rio." I said to her lifting the diary up so I could hold it with both hands.

"What's that?" Trent questioned jumping up and snatching it off me as the twins stood watching with a look of horror on their faces. I think they know the boundries, where as Trent, not so much.

"Dear Diary... Ohhhh it's a diary. Dear Diary I know right? My parents think I sh-" I heard him start to recite my first entry that I had written only a few days ago.

"Give it back idiot." I said lunging for the dairy. I retrieved it and hit him upside the head. He whined in pain making it seem worse then it was.

"Trust me I can do much worse if you touch this again." I warned him gesturing to the diary in my hand.

"And don't I know." I heard Olly's voice. I flipped him the finger before walking out. Today is not my day.

I ran upstairs silently and fell onto my bed, I wish the world would just swallow me up sometimes.

I don't care, I actually don't care. I don't care that my mum saw me do that. I don't care what kind of punishment I get. I don't care my Aunt and Uncle saw me do that. I don't care the twins and Trent saw me do that. I don't care One Direction saw me do that. One Direction. One Direction are in my lounge. Why are One Direction in my lounge?

A/N Thoughts on it so far? I think I'm going to wait for just a couple more reads and thenpost the next entry. Maybe 25-30 reads on the last chapter then I'll post. Thanks for reading though! - Emily :) x

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