Entry 8- Pancakes, Liam and Chocolate Hoops

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Dear Diary,

I took Harry riding last night, it was the most awkward time ever. I mean he seems nice enough he just kind of...shy? I don't know. I do want to get on with them mainly because I'm stuck with them for the Christmas holidays and they don't go home until December 21st and its only the 8th now. It can't be too hard to get to know them like a lot of girls my age like them so there must be something appealing to me.

I think getting on with Louis is going to be the hardest, I find it fun to argue with him. Both times it's made me laugh, I don't know whether he's serious or not I don't think he is. Zayn is nice enough, I spoke to him last night and he isn't as quiet as everyone thinks, he actually tried to engage in the conversation despite how tired he was. Yeah, Harry is awkward but I think that just his personality. I haven't really spoken to Niall and Liam much. Liam so far seems sweet and to my surprise Niall had been shy. Stereotypically isn't he meant o e the loud one? I'm sure he'll come out of his shell.

I'm not sure what we are doing today, of anything. Zayn said they just wanted to relax but knowing Tyler , Flynn and Trent, not much relaxing will be done if they can help it. Micky has gone, he left early this morning before anyone was up because he wanted to go to the gym this afternoon so he had to get ready.

It's just past 10:30 am so I'm up an showered. I haven't heard any of the boy up yet, they're probably tired from the whole 'world tour' thing they did.. I'm going to go get some breakfast now.

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