Entry 9- He has a girlfriend Storage hunters and Never Have I Ever

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Dear diary,

Liam is lying next to me. I may or may not have butterflies in my stomach but it doesn't matter I've only known him a couple of days. He is asleep and no body has come in to move either of us. Our two bowls are on the floor from the cereal we ate earlier and he has one arm slightly round me. I'm trying so hard not to wake him up though! We've been like this for about 20 minuets but we've been in my room about three hours I'm slightly surprised that we have been up here so long without any disturbances. I'm not complaining though ;) I'm joking! Kind of.....

I mean, it's not like I like, like him. I might be developing a tiny insy crush on him. It doesn't matter though. I mean he has called me beautiful and babe a couple times but to a 20 year old guy that doesn't mean anything, right? Exactly.

Moving on, well attempting too. I think Louis is getting on well with Tyler and Flynn, i can hear them downstairs now it's actually pretty cute! At least they won't be bothering me. Hopefully. Zayn is with Louis and the twins as well. I'm pretty sure I can hear Niall and Harry opposite us. I really hope they don't come in. It'd be so embarrassing, more for me then Liam. I'm going to go now before I wake him up.

Bu'byee xxx

"Where's Liam? I haven't seen him for like an hour." Niall's voice drifted from outside my door.

"I think he's in there with Bonnie. I saw him go in the kitchen with her and then heard them come up here." Harry answered.

"I'm gonna see if he's in there, you comin'?" Niall asked. I quickly lay right down and made it look as though I was sleeping. No way do I want it to seem as if i'm choosing to be in this position. I heard the door open and Niall laugh slightly.

"His girlfriend won't be too happy." Harry stated.

His girlfriend?

"Oh yeah, Sophia would go mad if she saw this." Niall remembered, of course he has a girlfriend!

"Niall that wouldn't be funny, turn your phone off. Seriously don't take a picture." Harry whispered to Niall. I heard footsteps meaning they had left. I felt Liam move from cuddling me. I opened my eyes and moved away from him.

"I thought you were asleep?" I asked.

"I woke up about 5 minuets ago, I thought you were?" he stated.

"Erm..." he can't know I was awake that whole time " Harry and Niall woke me, why didn't you move then?" I told him.

"Didn't want to wake you." he shrugged. I moved and sat next to him on the edge of the bed facing away from the door.

"So you have a girlfriend?" I asked. Why? No idea.

"Yeah, she's amazing. She puts up with so much, I love her." he smiled. He really meant it, I could tell from the way he looked when he spoke about her. I knew the whole complimenting me thing was just joke flirting.

"Wow." I forced a laugh. We sat for a minuet before I stood up.

"I'm going downstairs to call my mum." I told him and left quickly. Wow, I feel stupid. Of course he wouldn't like me. I'm 16 and he is 20 which is the first problem the second being he has a girlfriend.

"Bonnie?" he called me as I got to the door. I turned and he was holding up my phone. I took it off him and said my thanks before going down to the kitchen. I dialled my mums' number and waited for her to pick up.


"Hey mum, I'm really sorry about disappearing this morning. I just didn't think. Sorry." I rushed out hoping she would cut me some slack.

"You know I don't like you going off with out telling me. Since you had the curtiousy to call I'm going to let it slip. Just try and remember your phone the next time you go out, or leave a note." her voice replied down the phone.

"Okay, I have to go now mum. I love you." I told her. She replied with 'I love you to' before I hung up. I sat in the kitchen watching the t.v for about two hours, I was no way going to go in the lounge and be all awkward with Liam and know that Niall and Harry saw us lying together too is just plain weird.

I looked up from the episode of storage hunters I was watching to see Niall and Harry standing at the other end of the kitchen to me with a weird look on their faces.

"Um.." I didn't know what to say since I knew they had seen me and Liam together even though I know now it meant absolutely nothing.

"Hi Bonnie, we haven't spoken much before." Niall said and smiled.

"Er, I suppose not." I answered.

"We thought it would be a good idea to get to know you." Harry explained to me. I nodded wanting them to carry on, it looked like they had planned something.I'm pretty sure that's probably not a good thing for me.

"Us two and Louis were just about to have a round of never have I ever since your dad just called and told us that your parents were going out to dinner with Paul and his wife and wouldn't be home until past midnight. He said they might just stay at the hotel." Niall told me as Harry's smirk grew. Creeps.

"Why not Zayn and Liam too? And what about my little brothers?" I questioned their plan.

"Trent has gone to his mates and we put the twins to bed. We haven't asked Zayn or Liam if they want to join us. We kind of need you as you're the only one who knows where the vodka and shot glasses will be." Niall said.

I glanced at the clock seeing it had just gone 25 past 9. "Okay." I sighed agreeing to it. I am so going to regret this.

I got up from where I was sitting and went over to the drink cabinet and got out a bottle of vodka. I turned to see Niall and Harry still standing there staring at me.

"Well go and get Zayn and Liam?" I told them and like little dogs they obeyed my command and disappeared.

It could be easier to have them wrapped round my finger then I though.

I shook that thought from my head and grabbed six shot glasses. I assumed they were in the lounge and made my way there but stopped outside the door. I really need to get out of the habbit of listening in on theses boys conversations.

"She actually agreed? Mate are you joking?" I heard Louis laugh.

"Isn't she only sixteen?" Zayn's voice sounded slightly concerned. I took that as my cue to enter.

"And what? Just because I'm sixteen I can't handle a little drink?" I smirked and winked at Zayn setting the glasses and vodka down, all five boys were in here sat spread out. Zayn and Louis on one sofa. Harry on another with Niall at his feet with his back against the sofa and Liam on the floor next to Niall.

"I didn't mean it like that. I just know I wouldn't want my little sisters drinking like we're about to at sixteen. Specially with 5 older lads." he defended himself.

"So you're all planning on taking advantage of me when we get drunk, if we do?" I asked him.

"No! I just-" I laughed as Louis stopped him from carrying on this battle.

"So how are we going to do this?" Liam asked as Harry began to pour the shots. This could be fun...

A/N Just a little heads up, in case you didn't know 'Never Have I Ever' is a drinking game where one person states a fact. Usually pretty er, sexual or one that would get people to admit embarrassing things. For example 'Never have I ever wet the bed over the age of three' if you have then you take a shot and everyone would know you've wet the bed when you've been older then three. Pretty simple?

Well I hope you enjoyed this chapter, thank you for reading! - Emily :D xx

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