Chapter 5

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I’m pressed up against the wall of Niall’s house, as Jace feverently tried to unbutton my pants. 

“Liam! Liam Help!” I screeched. 

“Now now we don’t want to get interrupted now do we?” he said maliciously as he covered my mouth and tried to lift up my shirt, since he gave up on my shorts. 

“Liam! Help! No!” I screamed at the top of my lungs. Then it felt as if there was an earthquake. 

“Dani wake up!” I heard in the distance.

“Danielle, baby please wake up!” I heard again, it was Liam’s voice. Liam I’m trying to. 

I woke up screaming in a sitting position. I was drenched in sweat and I was shaking. As I took in my surroundings I realized that I was in Liam’s house in his guest room. I only then focused that he was sitting on the bed stroking my hair as I shook and began to sob as he enveloped me into his arms. 

“Liam.” I wailed into his neck as I inadvertently straddled his lap and buried my face into his neck and clutching his t-shirt in fear.

“Shh, I know, you had a nightmare.” He cooed as he stroked my back underneath my shirt. 

Just bringing up the nightmare made me cry even harder, the feeling of Jace pressing me up against the wall still fresh in my memory.

“Lets go downstairs for some tea.” He whispered as he picked me up and carried me down the stairs effortlessly and set me on the couch as he went and made some tea. I curled up in a ball and let the tears stream down my face. When he returned with two cups of tea, he set them on the coffee table and sat next to me where I curled up in his lap and him rhythmically stroking my back until I calmed down. 

When I finally stopped crying, I pulled back and sat beside him when he gave me a cup of tea. 

“Do you want to tell me what your nightmare was about or do you not want to talk about it.” He said soothingly as he rubbed my knee, calming me instantly. 

“It was about J-Jace and what happened…only you were never there.” I said getting teary again. 

He sharply inhaled, and he squeezed my knee before saying “I’d always be there for you.” He said his tone sincere as he wiped a stay tear from the corner of my eye. 

“I don’t really want to talk about that.” I said as I weakly smiled up at him.

“What do you want to talk about then love?” he said to me. 

“Anything but that.” I said quickly as I sniffed and he passed me a tissue. 

“Okay, you are in desperate need of some cheering up my dear.” He said as he got up and went into the kitchen. I heard him rummage through some drawers and then he came out carrying some sugar and a spoon. 

“Liam what are you-“ 

“Hush, I am trying to cheer you up.” He said as he smiled. He then took the spoon in his hand and then licked the back of it and then attempted to balance it on his nose, which he successfully did until it started slipping as he came over to sit next to me. 

“It takes major skill to balance a spoon on one’s nose Danielle.” He said as he made his eyes cross-eyed as he tried to look at the spoon, making me giggle. 

“That’s a lovely sound.” He said as he concentrated on the spoon, almost willing it to stay still. He then stood back up and then began to dance, well try to dance. It looked like he was doing a samba, but it was like he was an old man, with his slow movements, this had me full blown laughing. 

“What are you trying to do over there?” I said in between laughter. 

“I’m trying to multitask.” He said as he chuckled, that’s when the spoon fell. 

“Oh no! Mr.Spoon! You have failed me.” He said dramatically as he knelt down to pick up the spoon. 

“Poor spoon.” I said as I attempted to frown but I couldn’t help the grin that was plastered on my face. What Liam was doing was incredibly sweet, and it was so un-like him. I like playful Liam, he’s fun. He sat back down as he smiled and turned to me.

“What are you going to use the sugar for?” I said in between giggles.

“My tea duh.” He said in his best impression of an American accent making me giggle and almost spill my tea, making him smile. 

“Feel better?” he said to me.

“Very much so, thank you.” I said giggling and pressed a kiss to his cheek. We sat on the couch sipping our tea as we began to talk, mostly about my life. He was laughing at one of my childhood memories, one that involved a cat and a curling iron. 

“My mum tells a better story.” I said to him as he calmed down and I looked around, taking in the living room.

“I forgot to tell you, I like your flat, it makes me feel at home.” I said to him, before I took a sip of my tea.  

“Thanks.” He breathily laughed as I looked around, he had tons of pictures, on his coffee table and on the walls. A picture on the wall caught my attention which made me get up from my comfortable position on the couch and examine it. It was a picture of Liam with standing in between two women smiling happily to the camera.

“who are these women?” I asked as I looked from the picture to Liam.

“Those are my sisters.” He said smiling down at me.

“They’re beautiful, they look like you.” I said as I noted that he was younger than them both.“Are you the youngest?” 

“Yes, and they will never let me live that down.” He chuckled, which made me smile. 

“Do you have any pictures of your parents?” I said to him as I rubbed my eyes. 

“” he said despondently. I was going to respond when he spoke to me. 

“Come on love, its late. Time for bed.” He said as he took our empty tea cups and put them in the sink. I glanced at the clock which read 4:35 am. Oh thank God it’s Friday… I mean Saturday now.

 I yawned and nodded, agreeing with him because I was tired. I followed him upstairs when I stopped in front of his room.

“Liam?” I questioned as I looked at the floor.

“Yes, Danielle.” He responded.

“C-can I sleep here? I don’t want to sleep by myself tonight.” I said quietly, avoiding eye contact.

He tilted my chin up and pressed a kiss to my forehead and said “of course you can.” I maneuvered around him and pulled back the duvet and crawled into bed. He then peeled off his t-shirt and dropped it on the back of a chair and crawled in behind me, lazily putting his arm around me and pressing a single kiss to my neck which made me gasp and whispered.

“Goodnight Danielle.” He said as he soothingly rubbed circles on my arm as he blew warm air down the back of my shirt, making me shutter. 

“Goodnight Liam.” I said as I drifted off into a peaceful slumber.

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