Chapter 20

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Danielle's POV 

We talked on the phone for a good twenty minutes with the girls. They were just asking for a catch up later on this week but said it would go on hiatus as I was recovering.  As I hung up the phone ad set it on the night stand, Liam wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my forhead as I snuggled back into his arms. 

"You know, you're friends are very loud. Especially the one who answered first, Laik I think her name was." he said into my hair, making me smile as he ran his hand up and down on my back.

"She and all my friends aren't that bad, y'know." I slurred as I rubbed my eyes straining to stay awake with Liam. He noticed and shuffled down so he was at my level. He kissed my nose, making me crinkle it and laugh tiredly. 

"You're tired love. Go to bed." he whispered and leant in to kiss my lips softly. 

"G'night Liam" I said as I closed my eyes. He kissed my forehead before replying. 

"G'night babe." Before I slipped into my dreaming state, I thought I heard a low voice saying something but I just put it down to how tired I was and shut my eyes for the night.


"So what do you want to do today love?" he said as he slipped on his joggers that he brought from home. 

"I don't know, I always pick something to do, why don't we mix it up and you pick?" I said running out of ideas and flopping down on my bed and shutting my eyes. I felt the bed dip on both sides of my waist and I opened my eyes and saw that Liam was hovering over me, he leant down and pressed a kiss to my lips. 

"Tell you what, I have an idea." he said as he pushed himself off of me and rolled onto the bed. 

"Oh yeah? Well speak up then." I joked. 

"Well, your friend the loud one who we were on the phone with reminds me of Niall, so we should-" 

"Get them to finally meet each other!" I interrupted bouncing up at the idea. He chuckled and nodded his head, indicating that I had finished his sentence. 

"Yeah, I just think they'd be cute together, and from what I heard on the phone well damn, she's loud and always laughs, just like Niall," he said as he rolled closer to me and kissed my shoulder. I nodded. 

"How are we going to get them at the same place at the same time?" I questioned. Liam frowned at the situation, before he looked back up at me and sat up,  taking me with him.

"I've got it! You could um, I guess go to do some girly stuff with her and Niall and I could pick you guys up, obviously your friend not knowing that Niall is in the car, and we could go for lunch?" he said scratching the back of his neck. 

"hmm...I like it. Nice plan Payne." I said as I kissed his lips and hopped up from the bed to walk to the bathroom and get ready, before a strong arm pulled me back. I turned around and stood in between Liam's legs and looked down at a pair of amber eyes staring right back at me. 

"And where do you think you're going?" he questioned as he kissed the length up my neck, sucking gently on my collarbones, making me shiver. 

"T-To shower." I stuttered as he cupped my face and turned my head gently to continue peppering kisses along my shoulder and neck, stopping at my ear where pressed a small kiss to the lobe, He pulled away smiling.

"I don't think so, not yet anyway." He said and pressed his lips to mine. 

It was a slow kiss. He slowly massaged his lips on mine as he wrapped an arm around my waist. He swiped his tongue on my bottom lip to which I granted his tongue access. He slipped it past my lips and our tongues danced in our mouths. He slowly ran his hands down my back before settling on my behind and gently squeezed, making me squeal and giggle as I pulled away. 

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