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Samantha got ready and joined Harry and Louis inside the car as they drove towards venue where Liam is located right now, but the thing is Liam doesn't know about the party they planned for him today.

Samantha kept on smiling like crazy because of what Zayn and her think like an hour ago, She never experiences this kind of stuff before like meeting a stranger that just helped you inside the shop and you gave your number to the stranger you just met for a minute.

She knew it was a mistake at first but it seems like it wasn't a mistake after all as she gets to know more about Zayn, as she kept on thinking of Zayn. He really looks like someone so familiar. She thought again and again.

"What are you thinking inside your pretty head, love?" Harry asked, as he looked at her worried. "You seem like in deep thought. Are you feeling alright?"

She smiled and nod. "Don't worry Harry, I just saw someone and he looks so familiar that I can't guess who is it." Maybe his part of the band or the crew? She thought again.

Harry nod. "Well, you haven't met one or two of our bandmates yet."

I looked at him weirdly. Bandmates? Oh wait! I remember their 5 in the band.

"She already met Niall few years back at the party, she was so drunk that time. Maybe that's the reason why she can't remember Niall, and too bad for Zayn. You, love were already asleep when Zayn came." Louis smiled, and Harry quietly laughed because of that blur memory she had few years back.

"Well, I guess I'm going to finally meet them today." She smiled brightly, making everything alive and happy. Her smiled makes everybody happy and energetic like she's the source of energy like the sun.

"Can't wait!" Louis loudly said, making Harry and Samantha groan.


The party has already started and She haven't seen the boys named Niall and Zayn, that Liam, Harry and Louis kept on saying. She excuse myself to get some drink, She just wanted to be away from them for while because they so called plan for tour or She think the next album they're saying.

Suddenly Samantha receives a message from her phone, she grabs it and reads.

From: Liam
Get back here! The boys are here. :))

She walked back to they're table, She already saw 4 figure at the table they're in. She saw unfamiliar guy with blonde hair, his back was facing her.

"There she is!" Louis again loudly said, making her roll her eyes.

"Anyways, Nialler this is my best friend Samantha aka Sam." Liam introduced Sam to Niall. " And Sam this is Niall my bandmate and brother."

Samantha smiled at Niall, and he returned the smile. "Guessing you don't remember me?" Oh my gosh! Niall's Irish!

She shyly nod. "Yeah, sorry about that."

"Everything okay." Niall smiled Gosh his accent!

"Your Irish!" Samantha jumped from what she said, making the boys laugh. "Oh dear! Sorry."

"Don't be, everything is cool. Yes, I'm Irish as you can recognize from the accent." Niall laughed.

"He is my leprechaun." Louis hangs his arms around Niall shoulder and smiled.

"It's nice meeting you Niall, so where the other boy? What's his name again? Zain? Zen?" She asked

"It's Zayn love." Harry corrected me.

"Yeah! Him Zayn" She just met a guy named Zayn awhile ago.. She guessed his name is that famous already.

"He'll be back in awhile." Niall answered. She sat back from where She was and we all continued to talk, But there's something bugged her but she can't figure what it was. "Sorry, we were late. You guys know Zayn takes longer to fox himself." Niall explain.

We all nod understanding him, suddenly Liam smiled. "Well looks like Zayn has arrived! Zayn I want you to meet someone." Liam smiled as he gesturing me to standing up and meet the famous Zayn.

As she stood up and face Zayn, my phone lights up. She was about to get it but Liam took and warned her not to be rude. She fixed herself and face the guy.

As she turns around her eyes widen quickly, as the guy mirrored her action. Their eyes again gazed together and everything went slow motion for them. They were both speechless, they don't know what to do and How to react. As they met again.

"You!" They both said loudly making everybody face them but soon enough went back to whatever they were doing.



They both can't believe that they both met again. Making the four poor boys confused.

"Wait! You guys knew one another?" Liam asked

"H-his the one I'm trying to figure at for awhile." She faced Harry and Louis ignoring the birthday boy.

"So she's the one you kept on saying awhile ago that you have her number and you texted her." Niall smirked.

"How? And why didn't you recognize him Sam?" Liam asked

"Hey! It's not my fault that I'm not that of a fan of your band, I support you guys and love the song but c'mon Liam you know me since day 1 that I don't memorize any band member names." She answered.

"I know that but why didn't you tell us Zayn." Liam now asking Zayn.

Zayn blinked. "I was about to tell you guys but when I told Niall it's like he doesn't care so I didn't tell you that I knew her, and for your information I don't know that you guys knew her except for Niall and I." Zayn cool answered.

"I know her already like few minutes ago." Niall smirked and walked away to get some drinks.

"Anyways!!!!!" Louis stopped the little talk "that now we all know one another time for Liam's birthday!" Louis shouts and pulled Liam towards the stage for the cake.

Samantha and Zayn smiled at each other and chatted, dance and got to know one another more and more. What Sam doesn't know that she's already falling for the person in front of her every second, same as Zayn.

They both are slowly falling for one another in just one gaze of their eyes like it's commands them to stay forever like that.

But sam know that something will go wrong soon, and Zayn's blind to see it. Because he is distracted to her to see it.


Sorry for long non update, School is being a biatch right now so bare with me. :) Thank you :3

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