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Zayn looked piss off but Samantha wasn't all that sure because she couldn't really see much of anything. She was crying, like a baby. Well, almost crying. She had tears in her eyes and it was really just so stupid, because she barely know him for like days already and he shouldn't been affecting her like that, and she didn't even know what 'if you use the term dated loosely' was even referring at, an it shouldn't have even mattered.

But it did, to her. Everything about Zayn mattered to her, because-

Because she loved him.

So instead of saying something or actually cry, she moved away and turned her back to everyone. Taking a deep breath. Samantha thought this would help, but no one was talking, so everyone heard her heavily taking a breath and that didn't help at all.

"Princess?" Zayn asked quietly, breaking the silence.

She didn't respond.

"Princess.." He repeated, sighing. She heard his footsteps and she shook her head.

"No," she croaked out. The footsteps stopped. She cleared her throat snd finally faced him, but not ending up look at him but the floor. "I want to go home," Samantha whispered to the hardwood floor.

"Okay, i'll drive you." His hand waited expectantly for hers, Samantha wanted to hold his hand, she really did. She wanted to hug him, kiss him even.

But she didn't.


She watched the hand drop away. It was quiet in the room, but then she looked up when he heard his best friend laughing happily.

"We have the fo-" Samantha interrupted Liam's sentence.

"Take me home, Liam." Samantha spoke. Grabbing her purse and walked. "C'mon"

Liam nodded and caught up to her and pushed the door open.

"Bye guys!" He said with a small smile. "Have a great day, see you boys tomorrow." Then he stepped outside and followed Samantha.

There was no 'bye, princess' not even a 'see you soon, princess'.


Liam and Louis followed Samantha to her car, and started the car, and then silence continues.

Liam buckled and then let out a breath. As Louis remain silent. "What happen?"

Samantha just stared out the window, the sky was grey, the sun masked with thick clouds. Another storm was coming.

"Are you okay, Sam?" Liam asked, both hands resting lightly on the steering wheel.

Samantha forced a smile, Liam knew it was fake. "Yeah, everything's good." She though there was no point in lying, but she found herself doing it anyway.

Liam stared at her closely, eyes squinted and nose scrunched, but left it.  He backed out of the parking space and started to drive. The ride was wordless.

They ended up at their lot faster than they had expected. Samantha unbuckled and started to open the door.

Louis run towards get put a hand on her arm to stop her. "Wait."

"What?" Samantha didn't mean to snap. "I'm sorry."

Louis shook his head and patted her arm. "It's fine, but you're not fine. Is it the whole dating thing?"

"Um, well, yeah."

Wasn't it obvious? He was there.

Louis nodded. "Well, it's not my place to talk about this, but..." He shook her head and sighed. "I do know that Zayn likes you. Very, very much. I can see it. Sam."

Samantha just nodded. Now, she thinks Louis was lying to her just to make her feel better. Samantha was just another pawn in Zayn's game. "Okay, i better go."

"I'm serious," Louis continued, as if he could read Sam's mind. "Do you still remember the day Harry looks at you?"

Samantha scoffed. She had a slight crush on Harry but it was starting to change because of Zayn. She knew that Harry's eyes and face and whole entire soul lit up and it was pure happiness to Harry. "Yeah, but Harry is different to Zayn."

"Are you really that blind? Sam?" Samantha just rolled her eyes.
"Zayn and Harry likes, wait loves you. Because they both look at you like you're the star of their world."

Samantha was speechless.

"Zayn has never looked at anyone like the way he looked at you. Legit, no one. Zayn thinks your the star, the moon and the whole goddamn universe."

Samantha blinked. "I-"

"But yeah, Liam need to take me back, I'll see you soon, hopefully."

Louis climbed back to the car he waved back at Sam as Liam drove off.

From Zayn:
      I'm sorry for making you upset princess.

From Zayn:
       I'll just give you some space love.

Samantha tossed her phone aside and put her face in her hands, groaning. She dropped herself onto her bed and stared at the ceiling through her fingers. She couldn't feel her heart in her chest.

"Now, you're just overreacting," she groaned to herself again, rolling off the bed.

She went tot her drawers. She pulled out the first sweatshirt and pajama pants she could find, taking them with her to the bathroom. A warm shower fixes everything.


She opened her door, glanced right and left, making sure no one was around the hall to see her. She raced out of her room, going to the bathroom. The door was closed and paying no mind, Sam opened it.

"Hi Sam!"

"Liam!" Samantha gasped, covering herself the best she could with the clothes in her hands.

Liam chuckled light averting her eyes. "Like, I didn't saw you naked before, but anyways shower?"

She groaned and nodded. "Yes, now, can I go?"

"Yeah, sure." Liam stepped out of the way. "Actually, wait."

"Yeah?" She crossed her arms over her chest impatiently.

"You good?" He wondered.

"Uh, good, yeah. Thanks."

Liam raised an eyebrow, "oh okay, if you need anything. Call me okay."

"Yeah. Bye." Liam smiled and left, making Sam sigh in relief and locked the door to continue her shower.

Hey guys! Sorry some parts are mixed up... Let me explain, Zayn and Samantha are boyfriend and girlfriend, as for Harry, he is clearly in pain for letting Zayn have Sam. But ugh! Why is it hard to explain. Bu t don't worry the next chapter will explain everything.


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