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Zayn and Samantha stopped at Nando's to buy food since it was traffic because of a huge accident at the road. Zayn invited Samantha to stay for the night at their place. Of course Samantha agreed and now here they are stopping for Nandos for their dinner with Niall.

Zayn continued to drive towards their lot as he stole some glances at his princess who's looking a bit tired but tries to stay up.

He soon parked Sam's car at their lot, and they both hopped out of the car, Samantha straightened out her shirt (it was Harry's shirt) and walked towards the door, waiting for Zayn to opened the door.

Zayn knocked at the door and Niall answered it.

"Did you-? Samantha! It's a surprise to see you here at this fine night." Niall smiled, Samantha hugged him and smiled.

"She's staying for the night and yes I have your precious Nando's." Zayn passed the plastic bag to Niall as the blonde leprechaun walked towards the kitchen.

Samantha yawned. As Zayn watch as awe.

"Tired?" Zayn asked

Samantha shook her head and rubbed her eyes with a closed fists. "Sleepy," she mumbled.

Zayn grinned, she's too adorable like a cute baby. "Actually, We can go to bed right now, cause i'm quite sleepy too."

"Y'sure?" She yawned again, trying to blink the sleep away.

"Yeah." He continued. "I'll go grab few pillows and set myself up on the couch, let me show you my room."

Samantha frowned and stepped in front of Zayn, stoping him from moving. "Why do you need to show me your room?" She asked

"So you an sleep in my bed," he responded, it was completely obvious, and steeped out of the way. "And so I can grab some pillows."

Samantha shook her head and block him again. "I'm not letting you do that, I'll sleep on the couch because i'm a guest."

Zayn chuckled. "Exactly, you're the guest. A guest deserves a the best and the closest thing I have is the bed."

She rolled here eyes beautifully. "No Zayn, it doesn't matter. Your couch is comfy, see?" And then she walked over and curled up on the couch, tugging the used blanket herself, and shut her eyes. "See, perfect. Goodnight Zayn."

Zayn crossed his arms over his chest and smirked, after a bit thinking he walked over to the couch and scooped Samantha up in his arms.

"Zayn!" She squealed, her eyes shooting open. "Put me down!"

"Can't do that, princess." Zayn laughed, starting to walk down the hall, he walked past the bathroom and Naill's room before ending up at his own bedroom. He kicked the door open with his foot.

"Stay safe!" Niall shouted just before Zayn closes the door. He walked over his bed, and dropped Samantha and her bundle onto the mattress giggling.

"There you go, princess. Much better than the couch right?"

Samantha whined and kicked herself out of the blanket's hold, Zayn grinned as she pulled back his comforter and crawled under it, laying her head against his pillow.

"Shall I?"

He expecting for her to refuse, or make some remark about that's so childish. But she didn't. Instead, he got a half- opened eyed and mumbled "yes, please", which left him smiling like crazy, really.

Crazy in love.

Zayn tucked the beautiful princess around the comforted and pushed her hair away from her forehead to kiss the soft, beautiful skin there. His lips lingered for a moment; but he refuse to make the move his afraid to scare her away.

"Goodnight princess." He mumbled, and pulled away. He reach over her for a spare pillow to take with him.

Instead, a hand wrapped around his wrist and tugged him down on top of her.

"No," Samantha protested, "stay."

"Stay?" Zayn breathed. She blinked in response and her eyelashes tickled his skin. They were so close. He wanted to kiss her but his afraid. He was lucky, the luckiest man in the world. "y'sure, if course. I'll stay, but only if you really want."

She nodded and yawned softly. "Yeah. I really want to." She rolled over onto her side after that, and Zayn pecked her clothed shoulder before climbing under the covers.

He laid on his back, hands folded on his stomach, eyes staring at the ceiling. It wasn't that long, though before Samantha started to rolled over to face him. She scooted closer, moving his hands to put her head in their place, and threw a leg over his waist.

"Night, Mah prince." She whispered into the darkness.

Zayn's breath caught in his throat, his chest tightened, and he was sure his heart was beating like crazy right under Samantha's ear. He raised a hand and brought it to her head, running his fingers through her smooth hair.

He breath out a sight of relief. This was love and it's was pretty beautiful.

They stayed like that, and not until Zayn felt her steady breathing and heard her light snores and he whispered.

"Goodnight princess, i love you."


The sun woke Zayn as it cracked through the open blinds. He groaned, tugging his arm reluctantly off Samantha's body to rub at his tired eyes. He barely slept last night. Everything was perfect, he had Samantha against his chest and listened to the song she created with her deep breaths and soft snored and little murmurs. The sky was clearer, the stars and moon shined brighter together.

Now he was in the reality of staying up late. He probably had bugs under his eyes, and bad breath, and a scratchy voice. But it was worth it.

A bit later, his princess began to stir beside him, tightening her grips on his wrist, a small whimper left her lips, and Zayn glanced in concern. He watched her carefully. Her gentle features contorted into furrowed eyebrows and squinted eyes and a frown-etched face.

"Samantha?" Zayn rasped. He cleared his throat and tried again, but was cut off by a noise so alien to his ears.

There was a pitch scream. 

Samantha bolted upright in bed, her once closed eyes now wide and clouded with sleep. She breathed heavily, looking around frantically.

"Z-zayn?" She gasped. "Oh, zayn, that... Sorry, sorry. I'm fine."

Zayn pushed himself up to sit as well. "Don't be sorry. Bad dreams?"

"Yeah.." She swallowed wasn't sure whether its just a dream or not. 

Zayn pursed his lips and nodded. " you sure you're alright?"

"Of course. I didn't mean to scare you or anything. This, erm, isn't a very good start to you morning. Sorry. And I didn't wake Niall up, did i?"

Zayn chuckled lightly and combed a hand through his hair. "I was already up and believe me, you didn't. I'm guessing his on his headphones right now eating, princess."

Zayn glanced at the clock, " would you like some breakfast?" He asked

"If it's not to bother, sure."

"It's never a bother, princess. What would you like?"

Samantha shrugged. " anything is fine."

"Okay, okay. We can have pancakes if you help me make them."

She giggled. "Deal."

So they went to the kitchen and did just that, it wasn't a beautiful morning but it was perfect.


Sorry for a long update... Been busy.. School shits :( anyways hope you like the new chapter :)


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