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Samantha was supposed to be at Harry's apartment at four o'clock, and it was nearing four-thirty now. She was late, really really late. But she had a perfect good reason.


First if all, she woke up late and Liam asked her to cook something for him so she did.

Also, when she finally got to the house, which wasn't that far away from her house.

And then, the cloudy sky decided to just open right up, huge rain drop fell, as a result, Samantha was soaking wet.

Cold, wet and incredibly late, Samantha jogged towards the door and knocked softly, three times. The door opened instantly.

"Sammy!!!" Greeted an excited voice.

It wasn't Harry, though. It was the one and only Louis Tomlinson.

"Lewis! Hey!" She mumbled, tucking a few wet pieces of hair that fell out of her ponytail behind her ear.

Louis rolled his eyes and invited Samantha inside their house. Louis soon cracked a smile. "Enjoy with Hazza, okay if something goes wrong you know who to call." Of course the one and one Liam.

"Where you going? I thought were going to watch some movies."

"Sorry, I can't. Niall and I are going clubbing with some friends of ours." Louis explained and hugged Samantha not even noticing that she's soaking wet and he left with a smile on his face.

Samantha shuffled in, shivering slightly. She toed off her shoes by the door, second later, Harry was stumbling into view. His hair was styles naturally, white shirt and sweatpants as his outfit and no socks, Samantha noticed. She wriggled her bare toes and smiled at him, waving.


"Hello Sam," he murmured grinning. "Your soaking wet but still look lovely, as always."

Samantha blushed. "Thanks you, you too Tarzan."

Harry shook his head and smiled. "So were naming one another now aye."

Sam rolled her eyes and smiled.

They stood silently in fornt of one another for a bit. Harry opened his mouth, as to speak, but Samantha finally built up the courage and interrupted him.

"Do you have some clothes that I could borrow?"

Harry blinked. "Sorry?"

Samantha looked down at her painted toes and mumbled, "It started to rain on the way here, I was in a hurry because I was really really late and I'm sorry  about that. So, um, could I like borrow some clothes?"

Harry chuckled lightly, it sounded like a wind chime in a winter breeze. "Of course love, let me go get you clothes."

And he was right back, with a hoodie and sweat shorts in hand. "Bathroom's down the corner of the hall, second door on the left." He said, Passing over the outfit over to her.

Samantha nodded and went to the bathroom. She stripped from her outfit, pulling on the hoodie and shorts, they were soft and comfortable and smelled like...


Samantha breathed in deeply, grinning, and walked back out of the bathroom with her folded clothes, she found Harry in the living room.

"Thank you."

Harry looked up from his spot, his face broke out into a wide smile, crinkles forming at the corners of his eyes. " welcome babe, They fit right?"

"In a comfy way." She admitted.

The television screen successfully displayed the beginning previews of the movie. "You're adorable," Harry stated, standing up.

Samantha buried her face in her hands and groaned out a fait. Damn it, Styles.

Samantha has a secretly crush on Harry since the day the met and she's actually enjoying the company they have right now. What she doesn't know Harry and Sam has the same feelings for one another but Harry doesn't like her he loves her.

Harry laughed and moved closer, prying her hands off her face. " You love it anyway."

She giggled up at him, shrugging.
"Maybe, maybe not Styles."

"Oh, Sam, If you-"

The front door suddenly burst open and the both turned around to find Louis in the doorway with Niall and Zayn.

"Did we interrupted something disgusting-"


"-ly beautiful. Stop it." Louis smirked

"What are you doing?" Harry asked, Samantha and Zayn were looking at one another and their eyes are gazing to one another but it was interrupted when Harry called Zayn. "Something wrong Zayn?"

Zayn shrugged ignoring Samantha's gaze. Niall and Louis shrugged and got what they need.

"I forgot something." Louis turned away and stopped, glancing over his shoulder. "Have fun." He paused and smirked, "but not too much fun kids."

And once Louis and Niall walked out, Zayn gave Samantha one more look and weakly smile but soon enough faded and followed Louis and Niall out of the house.

Samantha frown but she ignored it and laughter filled the room.

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