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The movie started with Harry and Samantha on the couch, Samantha had her bare feet tucked under her legs, and the hoodie sleeves pulled over her hands. She absolutely drowned in the fabric, and Harry smiled at that.

Suddenly a soft knocked was heard through the front door, Harry excuse himself and marched towards the door.

"Zayn?" Harry paused shocked that Zayn back again. "What are you doing here? Where's the boys?" He asked.

"They went golfing, and you know how much I hate golf plus I was bored, Liam out and I have nowhere to go, so yeah I'm here." Zayn explained and walked inside without Harry's permission too.

Harry sighs and closed the door and followed Zayn towards the living room, were the only girl they adore smiling at the television screen. Both of stopped and watched Samantha.

"Princess..." Zayn thought

"Babe..." Harry thought

Those two boys are both in love with the only girl inside the house; Samantha.

Harry sat down beside Samantha and she looked at him and smiled, Zayn has the urge to sat down beside Samantha. She gasped when she saw Zayn beside her.

"Zayn! W-what are doing her?" She asked sounding surprise that Zayn's here.

"Lost story short, Bored." Zayn explained with a smile making Sam smile and Harry rolled his eyes.

They continue to watch the show, instead focusing on the screen, Harry and flicked their gaze over the girl next to them, lingering glance each minute.

They watched the show in silence after that, with Zayn stealing glances at his princess whenever he got the chance. Harry seemed to notice it, and it was making him jealous, to be honest.

Harry sighed, he reached for a handful of chips, at the same time, so did Samantha, their hands bumped and few chips dropped on the floor.

"Sorry." They both whispered sweetly, making Zayn roll his eyes.

Samantha laughed quietly and pooped a piece of the snack into her mouth before turning back to the show. Harry chuckled softly, shoving out a handful for himself and soon enough he looked at Zayn who looking at Harry studying his every move.

And then, the show ended, all too soon. Zayn excuse himself to go to the bathroom for a loo. And that means lot of time for Samantha.

"Did you like the show?"



"I'm not lying. Tarzan" Samantha smiled

"You are."

"Okay, fine. You got me tarzan." She huffed. "I only teared up a little."

Harry tilted his head to one side. "See?"

Sam furrowed her eyebrows. "You don't make any sense sometimes." She smiled and grabbed the empty bowl of chips. Of course, Samantha being the clumsy girl, she crashed into Harry's chest instead.

And the sudden impact of her petite frame on Harry's chest while he was caught up by what happen and the happiness and her beauty was enough to send them toppling to the ground, with Samantha on top of him.

They were so close, so incredibly, wonderfully close. Samantha's hands were on his shoulders and Harry's skin felt like fire under her fingertips. She could feel Harry's breath on her face and it made the hair on the back of her neck prickle in excitement. She moved to say something, and their noses brushed every so slightly.

Samantha's skin erupted into flames.

"You okay?" She asked.

Harry swallowed and nodded. "Yeah."

"Sorry," the both said at the sane tine and then they began to laugh at the same time. Samantha watched Harry's eyes squint close with wrinkles forming in the corners and his lips stretch into the most perfect smile she ever seen.

She just knew that he was the most perfect human being alive, and she wanted to kiss him.

Except, Samantha isn't the one for making the first move, so she didn't kiss him.

Harry kissed her instead. And everything started to go slow motion like the entire world slowed down just for the two of them.

And it was almost perfect. Until they heard the door closed signally Zayn is coming back.

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