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Samantha and the boy were waiting for Zayn and Niall inside the restaurant, the boys couldn't wait for them anymore so they ordered what they want but before the waiter arrives Zayn and Niall had arrive.

"Bro!" Louis smiled.

"Bro!" Zayn smiled back and then his eyes end up at his one and only princess. "Hey."

"Hey." Samantha smiled, of course Niall hurried towards her and sat down beside her making Zayn groan and sigh.

"Let's order!" Niall happily said as the waiter arrives.

Everybody was having fun mostly Zayn and Sam, they kept on glancing at one another and sometimes Samantha blushes when Zayn looks at her. Suddenly the waiter arrived and he took all our order but something was bothering Zayn and its making him angry.

The boys weren't paying attention to Zayn, Sam and the waiter they were all to busy watching football.

"Is that all for a lovely lady tonight?" The waiter smiled and adored Sam, and it was making Samantha uncomfortable.

"Yes." Samantha smiled trying not to be weird out.

"You look good tonight." The waiter complimented, Zayn saw how uncomfortable Sam was.

"Dude, can you like get take our order to the cook and get the hell out of here. You're making her uncomfortable." Zayn boomed, making the boys look at them.

"Zayn..." Liam called.

"Shhh! Can you go now?" Zayn looked at the waiter dead serious and it kind of scared the poor boy walk away of their table.

"What was that?!" Liam asked (Daddy Payno)

"He was making Sam uncomfortable, so I just scared him off, I guess."

Sam giggled, and that made Zayn smiled and happy. He'll never get tired of her. Liam saw everything, the way Zayn and Samantha look at each other both of their eyes lights up like fire, Liam knew they were in love with each other.

Liam observed everyone, Niall and Louis are enjoying the game meanwhile Harry's quiet mostly his not that quiet, then something hit Liam's head.

He remembered Harry fancies Samantha for a long time now, and he saw Harry was hurting because of how Samantha and Zayn are doing, Harry knew they're in love but Harry can't stop loving Samantha each minute.

"Harry? Are you alright?" Sam asked worried in her eyes. Zayn looks at his mate and gave him a weak smile, Zayn and Samantha doesn't know anything about Harry, only Liam and Louis knew his little secret.

"I'm good, just bit hungry that's all." Harry lied, Samantha knew he was lying but she didn't push to asked anymore. And Harry was thanking for it.

Soon enough the food had been placed and they're all enjoying their meal, some were laughing and some were chatting. But there's one tiny tension in the air between those three; Harry, Samantha and Zayn.

Harry loves Samantha.

Zayn loves Samantha.

Meanwhile Samantha loves Zayn and Harry but between those boys who'll she choose?


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