Chapter 25: I'm so sorry guys -_-

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Chapter 25

Boran's POV

The bright yellow neon light stings my eyes as soon as they rip the blind-fold off my face. I squint as hard as I can, trying to adjust to the light. Based on how long we've traveled, I guess this is far from Phillip's house. And from the numbing feeling in my hands, I guess I've been tied up for quite a while now.

He approaches me as soon as he spots me awake. Oh how I cannot wait to put my shoe across his face and ruin that crooked nose of his. I think he can read my thoughts because he defiantly smirks, as if he dares me to accomplish that task. "Calm down, Boran." I think to myself.

I close my eyes and open them once again to stare him down, channeling all the hate I can conjure up. He doesn't seem to care and his smirk grows wider.

He shows me the electronic tablet he was holding earlier:

"I told you to be careful."

I flinch. I know he was talking about Color. My eyes are weakened by a surging pain in my chest.

"You didn't have to do that." I move my lips. He pretends to not understand.

"What have you uncovered?" He quickly types.

I guess you mobsters really don't have a heart, the bastards who ran over a helpless teenager. The bile rises in my throat.

I glance to the tablet. He nods his head to a redhead woman standing behind me who I didn't know was there the whole time. Maybe her job is to knock me out when I start to behave dangerously.

She unties my left hand. Nice job woman, you just untied my non-dominant hand. I want to eyeball her sarcastically but my neck hurts so bad. I struggle to type the words.

"I know his working hours. And his wife's. And his kids'. Also the codes to his phones. But nothing worth mentioning."

He doesn't look impressed.

"His previous partner moved to Boston. They never contact each other. And he always brings his laptop with him. If not, it's always at the station."

I can see the crease in his forehead. 

"He keeps files in a safe. Cant open it. Need more time."

His eyes flare with anger. I gulp.

"You need a more assertive plan. Or I will send my men to do the job."

I can see his fingers squeezing the screen. He is losing patience.

I try to scream: "NO!". Then my eyes soften: "I can do it." I mouthed frantically.

He shakes his head. Then he takes a while to type a long speech. I start to sweat. Then he shows it to me.

"You have exactly 30 days to dig up those data, find the recordings and bring them to me. By any means necessary. And no excuses because I've created a minor distraction for you to do easily do it."

I know that asshole is talking about Color.  

"If the job is not finished by then"

He stops and slides his fingers on the tablet. The next thing he shows me send chills down my spine.

It is a picture of us three – I, Jun and Color – eating breakfast the other day. Blood draws from my face.

Then he leans close to me, the smell of his menthol gum makes me want to vomit. Or maybe it's because of what he says next. Very slowly, word by word.

" I will FINISH them."

I let out a horrifying scream, tears gather at the corner of my eyes. Then that woman actually does knock me out.

Author rant: This update took forever and I feel very bad -_- I have to admit it's mostly because I'm a lazy son of a gun... but also both of my laptop had broken hard-drives and literally everything I wrote is gone with the ashes. 

I'm extremely over the moon because there are really lovely people out there who took their time to read this story and encourage me to write more. I never really wanted to give up on this baby, just so you know (you mostly means 'myself'), and expect more to come :))) 

More rant: It's been almost TWO years since I released chap 24 and I'm afraid my writing will change a lot and the some details may not be completely coherent or connected to what I've written. But I promise I will do my best to deliver a story worth reading.

Stay with me folks :3 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2015 ⏰

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