Chapter 17: A Raging War of Eyes

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Chapter 17

2 pairs of eyes stared intently, but not at eachother. Juney was staring at Boran stiffened composure while Boran couldn’t move his gaze from the English man named Adam that’d just visited their “house”. Color was busy making some tea, stereotypically, for the man while the twins had relocated themselves to the back of the kitchen. Watching Color clumsily putting together hot tea, Juney tsked and wanted to help her when Boran put a firm grip on his arm, digging his nails in. Juney ticked: ~ What’s your problem? ~

He just kept looking at the man with intense glares. Juney hadn’t seen this look for a long time: ~ What’s wrong? ~

Boran snapped out of the lethal stupor and shook his head: ~ Nothing. Go help her. ~ He gestured to a hot-tea-dangling-mess at the kitchen.

This left Juney wonder. Something critical was going on in Boran’s mind, undoubtedly concerning that guest. He tried to pry the answer out of his brother: ~ Tell me. Now. ~

~ I said nothing. Lay off. ~ He glared at Juney. Juney was having a staring contest with him as well, but soon gave up and walked to Color. He knew he wouldn’t let this one go and was going to make Boran tell him sooner or later. Boran went back to observing the conversation he barely understood.

“This is too much, really.” Phillip literally groaned as he picked up the box of cigars. “Thank you. But unfortunately I don’t smoke.”

“That’s fine. You can keep it as collectible.” Adam smiled. His smile could match up with Phillip’s infamous one. He handed Dad the flowers. “And these are for Mrs. Wilberfox. I didn’t know what she’d like so hope these would do.”

“Don’t worry. My wife would love these. Thank you so much.”

“No, thank YOU. If it weren’t for you Mr. Wilberfox, my first week here would have been terrible. I heard you’d contacted the town’s best services to help me out during my stay. So simply this is what I must do.”

“Call me Phillip. That’s just something I do for everyone, honestly.”

Color put the hot tea on the table along with Juney, and Adam caught Juney’s eyes in an instant. Although it only lasted 1/3 of a millisecond, it seemed like those sapphire eyes bore into Juney’s like lava melting off icescapes. Juney could feel the intensity of it as he grew goosebumps and shrunk up a little. Boran immediately jumped between them and shielded Juney, while matching the razor sharp stare with his. Color and Phillip watched the scene bewildered.

Adam kept his cool composure and slowly spoke: “Are they your boys, Phillip? Twins, I suppose.”

Phillip brushed his hand off: “No, they’re not my sons. I’m just... looking after them. It’s complicated.”

“Well, it’s always nice to meet new young faces. How are you doing? I’m Adam.” He offered a his hand.

Boran continued locking his gaze. So did Adam and his hand. Dad had to cut them off: “Sorry, but, they can’t hear you. They probably don’t understand what you’re saying.”

“How so?”

“They’re deaf.”

Morose appeared on his face. Just a flash of it. Then Adam returned to his usual serenity, looking at the boys with sympathetic eyes. He waved ‘hi’ and carried on with the conversation. “So, I was wondering if you’d like to have a get together with me sometimes. I’m really hoping to make a genuine friend here.”

“Sure. My pleasure. How about now? I’m meeting with my son at the golf club. I don’t know if you a golf fan...”

“Sorry, but maybe some other time. I have something to take care of right now.” He stood up and shook hands with Dad: “Just give me your number and I’ll contact you.”

Phillip walked Adam out of the door. He peeked through the window and said goodbye to Color, waving to the twins as well. Boran still tensed up with Juney sitting at the table looking dazed.

Color saw her Dad the door and tweeted: “Looks like somebody’s got a date. Should be. It’s been too long.”

“Daddy knows.” He ruffled her hair and watched the street: “Looks like my date is coming sooner than I thought. I can see Brandon’s stupid goft cart down the road.”

“Have a nice day, Dad.” Color chirped as Phillip snatched his golf case. “Thanks honey.” Just when he was about to step out the door, Phillip turned back: “Have you got anything planed today?”

“I’ll manage.”

“Then hang out with the boys. They’ve been locked up like chickens in the coup. You could use some sun on your skin as well.” He winked at her.


“Be nice. Bye!” Phillip disapeared.

Color returned to the kitchen and heard some kind of noise. She stood behind the fridge and watched as Juney and Boran was apparently having a fight. They pointed and snapped at eachother, unfortunately, it all happened so fast Color wasn’t able to comprehend the dialogues. After an extremely intense staring session, Boran slapped the table and raged back to his room. Juney let out a big frustrated sigh.

Color felt the urge to comfort a broody Juney and most of all, find out what happened. She paced slowly towards him, whose head was dropped down in depress. She tapped him on the shoulder.

~ What’s wrong?~ Color asked.

Juney slicked his hair back and let out another sigh: ~ My brother was just being an ass. ~ He depicted the last word almost too clearly.

Color was concerned: ~ Anything I could do to help? ~

~ Anything? ~ Juney looked at her wide eyes, with a hint of impishness.

She was instantly alerted: ~ Anything legal. And off boundaries. ~

Juney continued looking into Color’s baby blue orbs with his emerald ones, raising an eyebrow. After 5 seconds, he just burst out laughing: ~ I’m kidding. Don’t worry, it’s nothing. ~

Well, his mood alleviated quickly. Color stared out the window for a minute and took the courage driven by nature to ask: ~ Do you want to hang out today? Would Boran and... ~

He interjected: ~ Sure, but I don’t think Boran’d want to come. He’s probably up there coming up with some evil scheme. ~

~ Evil... scene...? ~

~ He’s evil. ~ Juney rephrased.

~ Agree. ~ She smiled. ~ But we still have to wait for someone else. ~

~ Who? ~

Hehehehe... So, like, I'm really close to the dead line of Wattys submission. I'd really want to try out for the biggest literary contest on the web, though my chances are slim, so hence 2 updates a week and forgive me if the paragraphs seem too "spaced out" :)) The quality stays the same though, 100% fresh and solid (that's not a self compliment, huh huh, I'm not that arogant about my beautifully crafted work of art ;P) because I've been incubating this story for half a year. Duh...

So continue to enjoy my brain child ( ugh, I have a problem with that word, it sounds so weird) and I love you my friends... and my mom who doesn't understand a word of this but still supports me like hell :)))))

*continue to press spacebar and random words to make it till 30 pages* Teehee!

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