Chapter 5: Family Why?

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Chapter 5

Dad waved his hand dismissively: “Let’s just start with me.” Color sighed in relief, looking ever so grateful to the fatherly figure. “My name is Phillip Wilberfox, I’m 45 years old, and incase you didn’t know, I’m a police officer.” He signed the word sternly and all of the family – including Juney and Boran – rolled their eyes and said in unison: “We know.” Dad chuckled.

Except for Haley who smirked wickedly: “And I thought you were an ice-cream man.”.

Dad fired back with the same smirk: “No honey, I quit the job ever since you were born.”.

Brandon broke in with a clap: “Yay, sarcasm. Now onto the main event,” he gestured to himself shamelessly “I am R Kelly. I don’t age. Nice meeting you boys.” He winked outrageously to the twins, causing Color to wince in disgust while Juney and Boran sneered humorlessly. Dad just facepalmed.

Color pinched Brandon on the thigh and he retorted: “What?! It’s not like they know what I’m saying?”

Juney smirked and signed: ~ I thought R. Kelly was darker ~. Boran added: ~ And taller ~.

It’s Brandon’s turn to get confused: “Huh...” he turned to Dad and Phillip raised his hands in defense: “Learn it yourself.”

Mom cut in just in time as Brandon was opening his mouth for something stupider: “Enough R. Kelly.”. Then she picked up the fork and faked swinging an olive. “Brandon here is a golfer... and I think he really doesn’t age. He’s 5 by the way.” She raised her 5 fingers as the family nodded in agreement.

“Ok, so it’s my turn.”. Mom sang and flipped her hair. “Enchanté. My name is Lana Wilberfox and I’m an art consultant. It’s fun.” She up righted her thumbs and beamed at them. The twins smiled knowingly. They could read lips pretty well.

“And this fall I will turn 23.” Lana raised 2 fingers and then 3, causing the family to grunt abruptly: “MOM!”. She rolled her eyes and huffed: “Fine. I’m actually 24.” Again she raised 2 and 4 fingers blatantly and everyone just dropped their heads in defeat. Juney chuckled and turned to Color for some factual information. Color raised 3 and 7 fingers, smiling sheepishly.

Boran turned to Haley who was having a mouthful. Her eyes widened and she tried to speak: “O, ifs mah tur?”. She then spat out her half-chewed substance on the plate and wiped her mouth casually. Oh. My. Goodness! Every single person sitting at the table at that time just wanted to pour their guts out and sink her under a giant fish tank. She went on, oblivious to people’s disgusted faces: “Haley. 21. Student.”.

Brandon gawked at her shockingly: “That’s it?! You made me want to go bulimic for just saying 3 simple words?!”.

“It’s not like you’re not one already.” She gave him the “duh” face and raised one eyebrow challenging. Brandon tried to snap back when he got cut off again, this time by Dad: “Cut it out you two! Seriously, adults here!” He gestured to the twins, who were snickering uncontrollably.

Then everyone turned to Color. “Oh shit!”, she prayed inwardly, looking up to the ceiling. Well, this is it. Try to speak up and don’t mess up your name. She shuddered and thought back to when she accidentally said her name was Corndog. Color was actually more terrified of her horrible family laughing their asses off at her screw up like the last time than the twins knowing her name as an all-fat-american anthem. Some family. She finally opened her mouth rigidly for the first word when someone smacked the table violently, making everyone cringe.

5 pairs of eyes instantly focused on the button-up twin, author of the earlier resonance. They all frowned in confusion to what was the reason behind the table bitch-slap he’d just delivered. The boy just shrugged and signed to Dad: ~Where. We. Stay?~

Dad’s face scrunched up in extreme perplexity. The twin sighed and laid his cupped hands beside his cheek, acted like he was sleeping, then threw his hands up in a “where” kind of way. Phillip finally got it: “Oh...”

Dad instantly turned to them, completely forgot Color’s dreadfully impending speech which made her let out the biggest sigh of relief. She had a feeling though, that maybe the cold twin was trying to rescue her from the unwanted attention. She eyed him thankfully.

“Yeah, right, I forgot. You two will be staying in the guest room. And since we only have 1 guest room, I hope you like bunk beds.” Dad signed the last word while smirking evilly.

Color couldn’t help but spat out: “Like in a prison cell?”

The twins looked at each other, shrugged and mouthed: “Cool.”

“Wha...? That was it?! I’m just kidding but damn, I thought I’d get more of a reaction from this. I’ve been trying to memorize that word for hours.” The boys just grinned at his futile attempt. “Well, the truth is 1 of you will take the guest room and the other will be staying Color’s room which I have reconstructed into 2 separate rooms using a curtain.”


“See, that’s the kind of reaction I wanted. Priceless.”. Dad pointed at Color and her baffled expression. “It’s OK Pup, I was just kidding again. Of course you won’t be sleeping 5 ft. from them. No, just across the hall because 1 of you will be staying in Brandon’s old room.” He looked at the boy then pointed at Brandon and signed “room”.

Brandon snapped: “Hey, that’s my room. You can’t do that!”

“OLD room. You don’t live here anymore son. And if anything, I will assign you with the basement if you ever want to come back.”

“But it’s full of memories.” Brandon sighed nostalgically.

Color shuddered, ‘memories’ as he said it, turned out to be inseparable Playboy magazine’s pages and countless “white noise” coming from his room. Haley picked up the “my brother puberty phase” vibe as well and cringed. Sticky memories.

Apparently Boran knew where the girls were heading down memory lane and smirked. Just when Color turned to gaze at him, he touched his middle and index fingers together, indicating a gluey feeling. This caused Color’s face to contort and she mouthed: “Gross.”

Then she looked up to the ceiling again: “This is not going to end well.”

There's an image of Brandon on the side. He's by far the cutest and goofiest character in the story in my opinion. And it is based on my best friend's celebrity crush. :))

Hope you like Color's family. I'd love to have a family like this.

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