Chapter 24: I'm Going To Die

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Chapter 24

The crash with the Rover threw Color off her frail bike and plummit down next to it. Luckily her elbows saved her from hitting the blistering surface face first. But unfortunately she'd been turned sideway the moment that car hit her and Color's left leg smashed into the front liscene plate.

As she was laying still on the ground, all Color could think of was how Dad gonna flip when he finds out about this. She knew she wasn't going to die because the Rover halted just in the nick of time, if it went further by just an inch, she would have been crushed under its giant wheels which was now touching her nose. She was concious, and knowing she might have broken her leg and elbows, Color didn't bother to get up and hurt herself more, though at that moment she couldn't feel any pain at all. She glared at her destroyed bike and actually smiled at the fact that she could finally get rid of the thing.

After 10 excruciating long seconds, the car started to move backwards, huming and vibrating her entire body. Color closed her eyes and knew that she was in the middle of a hit and run, and that heartless driver was going to leave her there in the empty street. When she opened her eyes to look at the car driving away from her, she spotted somebody in the backseat.

Boran was looking at her from the backseat window, pale as a ghost.


Phillip pushed the male nurse aside and rushed to the door, panting and looking around frantically. He saw the 11-C room and karate kicked the door wide open.

"Hi Dad."

Color looked at Phillip bewildered and gulped in fear. She was halfway through finshing a glass of water when her dad came in the room like a wrecking ball. He walked slowly to her side and cupped her cheeks: "Pup, how are you feeling? I came here as fast as I could..." He sobbed.

"She's OK, Dad." Brandon took the glass from Color. "She even made a nasty comment about my precious baby on the way here." His nose was huffing smoke like a bull horn.

Brandon found his sister lying like a road kill on the street on a beautiful Monday morning while snailing away on his golf cart. His heart stopped and like a bad stop motion picture, Brandon tremble incessantly and was on the verge of crying like that stupid girl who didn't get the rose from the Bachelor. Color could sense river of tears coming from her brother and tried to calm his emotionally unstable ass by comparing his "baby" as the Amanda Bynes of golfcarts. Few minutes later the ambulance came and Brandon hopped on the vehicle with her as it rushed to the hospital.

"I'm heading out Dad. I left my cart on the road." Brandon gave Color a refilled glass of water even though she didn't ask for it.

"God bless whoever tried to take that thing." She yelled out. Brandon's face soured: "You demon. And Haley's gonna be here soon, I called her like 10 minutes ago."

Phillip grabbed Brandon's arm on his way out: "Did you tell Mom?"

"Nope. I know she'd freak so Haley just gonna take Lana along and say nothing until they reach the hospital."

"Good, I don't want her to start going crazy. She frets a lot." Dad sighed.

"Says you. Pretty sure you've just knocked out the whole staff here to get to this room, you crazy man." Brandon fleed out the door before Phillip could do anything to him. He turned to Color, eyes softened.

Color rolled her eyes: "Dad, don't go misty eyes on me. It's just a bump, I'm fine. Look!" She raised her casted arm up to show Phillip her perfectly functional body parts but regetted it immeadiately. The knife-slitting pain in her broken elbow sent buzzing bees to her ears and her shoulders trembling in throbbing agony. Color clenched her teeth but still presented a smile to hide the sting that was taking over her body.

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