Chapter 10: Mover Boy Reunite

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Chapter 10

After having been soundly positioned on the bench mark with the delightful view of the twins’ parietal bones, Color could finally relax after the whole little abduction outside the school. Not for long though cause Wrick elbowed her with his chubby man arm and spoke with his Taco Bell’s breath: “I can’t take this anymore. What’s up with the Sprouse brothers over there?”

“I can tell you one thing: you don’t have to whisper like that.”

“Because of the smell? Yeah, take it all in, I’ve worked hard all morning just to get it to smell like this.” Wrick started blowing on Color’s face, sending the disgusting indigestable substance up her nose. Color punched him in his man boobs, causing him to flinch. The girl could be really strong if she needs to.

“No, you sloth. I mean they are... hearing impared.”

“What? You mean deaf?”

“Yeah... uh... they can’t hear. Just don’t say the D word though, it might offend them.”

“Ok little miss sensitive. But why the hell would your parents adopt these two... unpluged kids?”

“Nice. Would you believe me if I tell you our family is auditioning for a spin-off of Switched at Birth?”

“Yes I would. They do resemble a half Latino girl and an over eager Ginger. But they’re twins, I suppose?”

“Bingo. Meet twin number 1, Juney and the other guy that looks like him, Boran. Fun fact: they are delinquents my dad picked up from juvenille hall to ‘set them straight’.” Color air quote what Phillip said to her on the phone.

“So they are NOT straight?” Wrick tried to hide a smirk and failed.

“It’s 2013 Wrick. Get over it.” Color rolled her eyes. “But I don’t know. So far they’ve been quite nice except for an earlier commotion. And it’s just been 5 hours.”

“How is the family taking this?”

“Well, mom is over the moon cause she likes new toys. Brandon is not so pleased since his room has been taken over. And Haley just stays neutral but had used her claws of manipulation on them.”

“And what about you?”

Color was caught off guard by the question. Her feeling were mixed, just as usual, with curiosity, intrigue, scare, and so on. But one thing for sure: she felt a pang of dé javu when she first laid eyes on the boys and that feeling was still thriving in her brains, trying to find an answer. Color decided to go with the standard response: “OK.”

Wrick could pick up something unusual: “Really?”

“Yeah. I mean, as long as they don’t trash the house, I’m ok with it. And there’s nothing I can do about it either so... yeah, ok.”

“If you say so.” Wrick had known Color since she was in middle school, that inbetween time when a kid is taking their first steps to become a troubled teenager, and that enabled him to see all of Color’s traits and personalities and how she’d turned out. And he knew better not to read into what she said too much or the girl could just lose it. She’ll say how she felt eventually, when the time comes.

“And if you must know, I find them really hot. Like H to T hot!” Wrick fanned himself with his flabby hand and sent Color into a fit of laughter. “What? Don’t you?!”

Haley jumped in front of them and hollered: “Did I miss something?”

“Yeah, the tour. Are you done yet? It’s almost 3, we still need to go to the mall.” Color answered.

Living With Delinquents (AKA "Louder Than Words") (Slow Update)Where stories live. Discover now