The One Where The Word Strange Fit Well

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Chapter One: The One Where The Word Strange Fit Well.

Louis felt a slight nudge to his ribcage, it obviously wanting to rip his attention away from the girls he so 'subtly' tried to flirt with—they barely even paid attention—but because he was Louis, he ignored it and continued his flirtatious acts.

It was as if, though, his tanner friend didn't want to stop bothering him. It annoyed him. Sort of. It was clear by the way in which his brows kept dropping into a frown and he clicked his tongue.

Zayn wouldn't stop poking him, his elbow digging in between the spaces of the boy's ribs, and, yeah, it didn't hurt (Even though it had the potential of doing so) but Louis groaned nonetheless and stepped away so the raven haired man could stop.

"Mate, you're acting like a clingy girlfriend." Louis stated, a frown hovering over his eyes before quickly find his composure and going back to winking at one of the many blondes from the group of ladies a few blocks down.

(At least he thought it was the same one. They were all blonde, and all had the same surgery-made faces, so pardon him)

Zayn sighed dramatically. "When we decided to date, you said you'd treat me right," He shook his head as he blew out a puff of smoke. "I trusted you, Louis, gave my heart to you and this is how you-"

"As-tu fini avec ton cinéma? Parce que moi, oui." Louis didn't even let him finish, stealing the stick of cigarette from Zayn's fingers and putting it between his own lips—much to the lad's protest.

"How many times do I have tell you to stop speaking gibberish to me. We are in En-gland, therefore, we speak En-glish." Zayn emphasized, trying to snatch the cigarette at every emphasis of 'eng' but Louis just moved away further.

He smiled when his friend surrendered, simply reaching into his pocket for a new cigarette from his pack, lighting it up.

The smaller lad raised a foot up on the wall of the tattoo shop, something his boss would shout at him for doing if he ever got caught, because it was, 'Damage to property, and I could fire you, Louis! I'll fire you one day.' And all Louis would do was roll his eyes.

"It's not gibberish, it's French, and I speak it to you, because I love seeing the dumb look you always have on your face get worse. It's funny, truly. Makes my day." Louis poked fun lightly, chuckling at how Zayn's dumb look on his face changed to an offended one.

"Anyway, what was so important that you had to stop my amazing flirting?"

At that, Zayn scoffed almost too loudly, flicking some of the grey ash from his new cigarette onto the ground, and kicking it with the end of his shoe. "Amazing?" He laughed. "If you think making kissy noises is 'flirting', then you have a lot to learn my tiny friend." Zayn patted his shoulder, not noticing the daggers Louis was sending him.

"Your tiny friend will shove a broom up your virgin ass, so far up it'll come out of your-"

"Too much. Don't scar me. Please." He made a face at Louis' very graphic threat, shaking the image out of his head and shivering. "Anyway, look who just came around again."

At first, Louis had absolutely no idea who Zayn was pointing at because there were so many people walking to and fro on this busy Monday evening, scurrying to get back home or to work. Louis was lost for a moment, just roaming his eyes over the street, but when he saw the bright pink button up, he knew exactly who it was.

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