The Happy Ever After

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Chapter Twenty Seven: The Happy Ever After

The final chapter is here! This one's pretty long, and really cute, so. Enjoy!


Harry asked Louis to move in with him a month later.

It wasn't just a simple ask, a simple yes or no question, because it was Harry Styles, he was a hopeless romantic and a darn good one.

It was in the evening, Louis had come back home after spending most of the day with the lads. He remembered asking Harry if he wanted to come along, telling him they were going to watch a new horror movie, then go out for lunch, but he declined, claiming he had a slight headache.

Louis was convinced Harry was sick, and very much was willing to stay home with him, but the boy insisted on him going.

"I'll be fine, Lou. I'm not dying of a chronic illness." He told him, chuckling softly and waving him off.

"Call me if you need anything, alright." Was what Louis replied to him, pressing a kiss to his temple, then his lips, then he was gone.

By the time he had rolled back around in the large house he had grown so accustomed to, it was nearly 7 PM. (He would've arrived earlier, if it wasn't for the boys wanting to watch another movie. Louis' arse was killing him by the end of it all)

The house was seemingly empty, but Louis could hear the faint sound of classical music playing in the background.

A smile soon plastered on the boy's face when he realized what song it was exactly, chuckling softly to himself as he laid his phone down on the hall table, along with his own apartment key.

(It was their favorite. Louis had never been a fan of classical music, but the memories that fanned over whenever he so much as thought about it warmed him up. Intimate times with Harry, happy times, anything and everything)

"Baby?" Louis called out, walking deeper to find the living room empty, and the kitchen, and Harry's room that was down the hall too.

A frown grew on his face. Harry must be here, since he could hear the music growing louder, but maybe he wasn't? Maybe he accidentally left it on, and was off on some errands.

That thought disappeared when Louis' feet led him to the backyard, and finally found not only where the music was coming from, but also his lovely boyfriend.

"Hey." He whispered softly, stepping foot on the grass and looking around. It was beginning to get dark outside, but lights, much like the ones hung on Harry's dresser, were decorated over the windows, and on the grass. In the middle of the large backyard was a table, filled with two empty plates, Harry placing the forks and spoons neatly next to the dishes as he made sure not to tip over one, or both, of the empty wine glasses.

Harry, who seemed deep in thought and didn't hear Louis, turned around only to have a huge grin on his face when his eyes landed on Louis, who was still leaning against the doorframe that led to the back.

"What's all this?" Louis asked with a laugh falling from his lips, pushing his body off the frame to step closer to Harry, who he wrapped his arms around his waist, pulling their bodies flush together.

Harry was dressed in knee length pink shorts that stopped to his mid thigh, a lilac purple sweater over his top half of his body. It was a little too big on him, but Louis thought he looked adorable, his fingers poking out of his little sweater paws for everyone to see. He looked so soft.

Harry had grown to be more comfortable wearing skirts and dresses around Louis, and sometimes, even around the boys. He had always been so scared of their judgment, Louis' judgment, but Louis was everything and supportive.

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