The One With The Story

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Chapter Twenty Three: The One With The Story

Three AM found Harry and Louis still awake, tangled in each others limbs and thoughts.

They spent much of the time simply talking, about everything that could come to mind.

Work, life, the future, the past, anything, and everything.

It all felt right, though, as if Louis was talking to his childhood best friend. That was the thing about Harry. Louis always felt like he had known him for ages, for more than he really did. Harry always had that effect on people—him, especially.

"Tell me a bed time story." Louis said, looking over to Harry, who was already half asleep. The older man had a hand over his waist, his head on the pillow.

Harry opened his eyes. "Lou, it's close to four." He said, as if the digital clock was not on the nightstand for him to clearly see.

The boy shrugged, not seeing the problem exactly. "So? I'm sleepy, come on."

Harry sighed. "I don't even have a story. Let me sleep, Lou."

Louis shook Harry's shoulder to wake him up a little. He huffed when the lad didn't budge, moving his hand to tickle his stomach a little.

The boy gasped, and squirmed away to stop him. "Don't do that, oh my god." He held onto his hand to make sure he wouldn't start again.

"Then tell me one. Make it interesting, come on." Louis sat up to cross his legs on the bed, facing Harry with a huge smile.

"I told you not to have three cups of Starbucks, but no, you never listen to me." Harry sighed, rubbing the sleep from his eyes as he turned onto his back. "But fine, fine."

Louis grinned happily, waiting for Harry to start.

"Okay, um," He hummed in thought, running his hand through his hair. "Once upon a time, there was a boy named Louis."

"A 'boy'." Louis rolled his eyes.

Harry rolled his own too. "Once upon a time, there was a man named Louis—better?" Louis laughed, and nodded.

So Harry continued.

"Louis was one of the many sons of a well known farmer in the kingdom, and the last one, too. You see, Louis' brothers never took him seriously, or believed in him. They often made him do their chores, threatening to tell their father lies if he hadn't."

"I would've beat the crap out of them, if I were that Louis."

Harry shushed him. "Louis didn't feel as courageous, and brave as his other brothers. But, one day, the most feared dragon was rumored to have landed on the town, all the inhabitants locking the door. Unaware of this, Louis and his brothers went down to the well to collect water.

Just with their luck, the beast landed right where the well was, destroying it into bits and pieces. It roared, causing the other Tomlinsons to flee in fear, but Louis didn't run, no, Louis was firm, looked the dragon in the eyes."

"That's right."

"He was frightened, that was true, but he didn't let it cause him to run away—In hindsight, I probably should've had Louis carry some kind of weapon, how is he supposed to slay the dragon?"

Louis hummed in agreement. "Yeah, he can't slay it with a bucket. Your story's kind of falling apart, H."

"I'm tired, m'doing my best. Okay, let's pretend he already slayed it, okay?"

Louis pouted. "Skipping the beat part."

But despite his pout, Harry still went on.

"So, after he slayed the beast, Louis was called into the palace, by the Princess himself. He thought he would be punished, for doing a job he wasn't asked to do. But when he walked into the castle, he wasn't punished, he was rewarded. For his bravery, the Princess gave him a small kiss. It was love at first... kiss?"

Louis chuckled.

"They got married soon enough, and lived happily ever after." Harry sighed when he finished, smiling small at Louis.

"Despite the fact that you missed the action, that was sweet." Louis hummed in content, laying back down next to Harry.

Harry smiled and snuggled by the older man's side, head on his shoulder.

Louis had his arm over him, holding the boy impossibly close just like how they liked to sleep. He was so content, being here with Harry, as if it was everything he had ever wanted.

And, after thinking about it for a bit, listening to Harry's shallow breathing, maybe it was, but he just took this long to realize.

"What was keeping you up, anyway?" Harry asked, eyes closed.

Louis bit his lip, his eyes staring up at the ceiling. "I'm falling for you." He didn't even flinch while saying it, didn't hesitate, didn't stutter. "And I was so scared of that before—just the mere thought of letting myself be happy in a relationship was ridiculous, 'cause it didn't happen often." He breathed in. "But, I'm gonna let myself fall now. I won't hold back. I don't know how long we'll last, I can't say, no one can, but for the time being," He finally looked at Harry. "Now that I have you here, and mine, I'll let myself feel these things, and be happy with you for as long as I can."

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